7/27/2022 ACW Task Force Meeting


ACW Task Force Meeting


General notes


MPR talked about Age of Age during their Art Hound time and Jazz 88 has interview with Barbara


Scorpio is looking for an assistant and will be doing a call for art to help with the Parks project. Scorpio Rising artscorpiorising@gmail.com


We have Logo for 5th Anniversary .  How should we use it? Would you like to special order T-Shirts? On Black or Light.  To order: $30.00 Time to Re-Up your membership? Included as a 5th anniversary T-shirt bonus. Just go to: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/shop/donation/ and select one time donation and write $30.00 in the box.  Then email Barbara and tell her what color and what size. drb@bridgescreate.com



Call for art supplies to help build the with Maker Space for the YMCA and Haven  House:  . drb@bridgescreate.com   Read about the project: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/maker-space-project



On Location Drawing Coop has a new poster   https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/on-location-drawing-coop



Pay as you can worked for the Age of Age opening.  $300 . We should do more with generated income.



Project Proposals


All projects were unanimously supported! This support is for the Glitter Renaissance (GR) group to do more investigation into their proposed projects.

ACW has some money but needs Glitter Renaissance (GR) project managers to try to fund most of  their projects with grant money.  Easy to get using non-profit ACW as fiscal agent.



“Fall is too soon for your projects” – Barbara



Ideas: Young Artists Short Film Project and Neurodivergent Artist Project


  • Both sound like a good idea though Barbara asked if she is sure she has availability to work on two. She enthusiastically said yes of course.
  • There can be liability issues and ACW can’t always pay participants so it’s good to think about finding funding options instead.



Idea: Paint to Process – Virtual meetings using Discord. Paint and talk about childhood trauma.


  • ACW should be able to find this
  • Lucie offered her studio at Solar Arts for a physical location
  • Alkemy and Collin can work on starting a Discord for ACW where this project can be hosted from
  • Can start this project soon as it’s mostly online and doesn’t cost too much



Ideas: Royalty Exhibit (Drag show) and Strength in Numbers (Disability Fair)


  • Disability Fair
    • Make it more than one day
    • Reach out to Rise Ink
    • Jeff Longton is a braille artist you should check out
  • Drag Show
    • Theme could help draw people to the event
      • It can be as simple as “Difference is good”
    • Have a drag makeup workshop to help fund this



Idea: Sensory Art project focusing on autism/special needs individuals


  • Contact Layl
    • Look into North Suburban Art Center
      • Probably wouldn’t charge to use their space
  • Reach out to Katie
    • Cow Tipping Press has neurodivergent writers
    • Could be your couch for this project



Idea: Heal and Chill – A festival where people can make art and be together as a community


  • Has experience with a similar event
    • August 21st is when one of her events is happening
  • Add more art to this
    • Photos of art
    • Include ACW artists
  • Briauna asked about paying artists vs giving a care kit.
    • Barbara said ACW wants to pay artists but sometimes a card kit or incentive of some sort works because we just want to support the artist and say thank you



Idea: Educational art project on edible/helpful plants


  • Check out the East Side Food Coop
  • Connect with Native people as they have good knowledge of helpful plants
  • Global Market is doing a Native good event
  • Lucie can connect you to a seed artist
  • Connect with Briauna


Offers to help discuss Development Topics.

Layl – 3. Earned income

Deb – 4. Serve all members


New Name

  • The new intern/ divergent group was looking for a name
  • A vote was held, people agreed on an idea
  • Glitter Renaissance (GR) will be what we call our group


Building ACW’s Connections

ACW needs to expand into St. Paul

  • Lucie says look into Frog Town


Upcoming events


  • Age of Age closing on Saturday July 30. At Homewood Studios.  Attend!  FLOW event going on from July 28th to 30th  Flow is like Art A Whirl for North Minneapolis.
  • Check out the Farmers Market on Sunday morning
    • Deb and possibly Katie will be there
  • Loring Park art fair on Sunday
    * Kelly is at Isles Gallery in Uptown. Opening is Friday Jan 29. 4-9.



Other notes


Lucie has been busy but will work on contacting anyone who applied to do a solo show in the Fox Den at the Solar Arts Building.


Car caravan to pick up art supplies from people after call for art supplies has been made for Maker Space.


Date for next meeting was chosen – September 21st  6:00 PM


Respectfully Submitted,

Frances Bates.


Task Force Meeting July 27 at 6:00 PM

RECORD Meeting!!

Minutes Always Available here:  https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/2022-task-force-minutes/

ACW Board Member, Herman Milligan’s, Call for Art4Good Fundraiser. Herman is co-curating along with Art4Good artist, Howard Oransky, an upcoming photography exhibition at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities’ Katherine E. Nash Gallery (Department of Art) entitled, . Howard is the Director of The Gallery.  The exhibition, focuses on a historical review of Black American photography from the 1800’s to the present, will run from September 13 – December 10, 2022.
More info: https://cla.umn.edu/art/galleries-public-programs/katherine-e-nash-gallery
Donate an artwork to the fundraiser. Contact Herman for info:  Herman Milligan <herman.milligan@gmail.com>

MWMO Water Project    Apply!  $200 Stipend.  Fully funded by MWMO https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/mississippi-management-and-watershed-project/  July 31 Applications Due.  Participants will be encouraged to create their own projects following the MWMO project.  ACW will provide guidance and act as fiscal agent, if asked.

Park Board Art Lesson Program  Scorpio

Need Logo for 5th Anniversary $100

Next Noble Truths Studio Visit is August 10 with Susan Hensel.   https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/studio-visits-noble-truths/   Owen

Age of Age Reporthttps://www.arttochangetheworld.org/age-of-age/  Closing is July 30. Attend!  Homewood Studios.  Beverages.  Fermented and otherwise. Gourmet Popcorn.  Hear Artists Speak.  Kelly
Catherine Palmer
Marie A. Sipe
Owen Brown
Layl McDill
Jacqueline Swanson
Becca David
Linda Sharpe
Kelly Frankenberg
Candy Kuehn
Suzanne Simmalavong


Caponi Park   Greg

Maker Space Projects
The Haven Housing and YMCA Projects Fully Funded. Artists Selected.
Briauna Williams, Lucy Schroepfer, Layl McDill, Kelly  Frankenberg, Catherine Palmer, SAM Greene, Candy Kuehn, Frances Bates, Lynnette Black, Madalina Kelner, Barbara Bridges
Project Manager: Barbara Bridges

There will be a new call for artists for the big Emma Norton project next Fall 2022.  20 artists to sell 80 works @ $300 each. Also creating a Maker’s Space at that location. https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/maker-space-project/

See FLOW poster following. FLOW is North Minneapolis’ Art A Whirl.  With our new Haven Housing partnership ACW will be coming more involved with North Minneapolis projects. We are invited to the Kick Off for FLOW  on July 28  from 7-10 at the 4th Street Saloon. Be There!

On Location: Deb/ Katie

Introduce Interns

Proposal pitches. Attached. Please review!   Thanks!
Click here to see how to make a project proposal to ACW https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/how-to-submit-a-project-proposal

Commission:   Need 6  – 2 feet x 3 feet cloth bags with shoulder straps for the MWMO Water project. $10 per bag.

Food Shelf Project.  Herman wants details.  He thinks he can get funding.  Need a nice promo paragraph with cost and deliverables for 200 units.. Vicki/Rebecca/ Deb

August Newsletter is YOURS.  Send Essays, articles, your artwork.  Suzanne Simmalavong  suzanne.simmalavong@gmail.com will be compiling the Newsletter. Send her copy and one jpg as you want it to appear!!!

Call for Applications for Kolman & Reeb Gallery Project Space Grants for 2023

Applications for 2023 will be accepted from July 15, 2022 through September 15, 2022. Successful applicants will be notified on or about November 15, 2022. https://kolmanreebgallery.com/project-space/

Summer Party


ACW Future:  See Action Items from Development Meeting Below.


ACW Task Force Meeting


General notes


MPR talked about Age of Age during their Art Hound time and Jazz 88 has interview with Barbara


Scorpio is looking for an assistant and will be doing a call for art to help with the Parks project. Scorpio Rising artscorpiorising@gmail.com


We have Logo for 5th Anniversary .  How should we use it? Would you like to special order T-Shirts? On Black or Light.  To order: $30.00 Time to Re-Up your membership? Included as a 5th anniversary T-shirt bonus. Just go to: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/shop/donation/ and select one time donation and write $30.00 in the box.  Then email Barbara and tell her what color and what size. drb@bridgescreate.com



Call for art supplies to help build the with Maker Space for the YMCA and Haven  House:  . drb@bridgescreate.com   Read about the project: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/maker-space-project



On Location Drawing Coop has a new poster   https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/on-location-drawing-coop



Pay as you can worked for the Age of Age opening.  $300 . We should do more with generated income.



Project Proposals


All projects were unanimously supported! This support is for the Glitter Renaissance (GR) group to do more investigation into their proposed projects.

ACW has some money but needs Glitter Renaissance (GR) project managers to try to fund most of  their projects with grant money.  Easy to get using non-profit ACW as fiscal agent.



“Fall is too soon for your projects” – Barbara



Ideas: Young Artists Short Film Project and Neurodivergent Artist Project


  • Both sound like a good idea though Barbara asked if she is sure she has availability to work on two. She enthusiastically said yes of course.
  • There can be liability issues and ACW can’t always pay participants so it’s good to think about finding funding options instead.



Idea: Paint to Process – Virtual meetings using Discord. Paint and talk about childhood trauma.


  • ACW should be able to find this
  • Lucie offered her studio at Solar Arts for a physical location
  • Alkemy and Collin can work on starting a Discord for ACW where this project can be hosted from
  • Can start this project soon as it’s mostly online and doesn’t cost too much



Ideas: Royalty Exhibit (Drag show) and Strength in Numbers (Disability Fair)


  • Disability Fair
    • Make it more than one day
    • Reach out to Rise Ink
    • Jeff Longton is a braille artist you should check out
  • Drag Show
    • Theme could help draw people to the event
      • It can be as simple as “Difference is good”
    • Have a drag makeup workshop to help fund this



Idea: Sensory Art project focusing on autism/special needs individuals


  • Contact Layl
    • Look into North Suburban Art Center
      • Probably wouldn’t charge to use their space
  • Reach out to Katie
    • Cow Tipping Press has neurodivergent writers
    • Could be your couch for this project



Idea: Heal and Chill – A festival where people can make art and be together as a community


  • Has experience with a similar event
    • August 21st is when one of her events is happening
  • Add more art to this
    • Photos of art
    • Include ACW artists
  • Briauna asked about paying artists vs giving a care kit.
    • Barbara said ACW wants to pay artists but sometimes a card kit or incentive of some sort works because we just want to support the artist and say thank you



Idea: Educational art project on edible/helpful plants


  • Check out the East Side Food Coop
  • Connect with Native people as they have good knowledge of helpful plants
  • Global Market is doing a Native good event
  • Lucie can connect you to a seed artist
  • Connect with Briauna


Offers to help discuss Development Topics.

Layl – 3. Earned income

Deb – 4. Serve all members


New Name

  • The new intern/ divergent group was looking for a name
  • A vote was held, people agreed on an idea
  • Glitter Renaissance (GR) will be what we call our group


Building ACW’s Connections

ACW needs to expand into St. Paul

  • Lucie says look into Frog Town


Upcoming events


  • Age of Age closing on Saturday July 30. At Homewood Studios.  Attend!  FLOW event going on from July 28th to 30th  Flow is like Art A Whirl for North Minneapolis.
  • Check out the Farmers Market on Sunday morning
    • Deb and possibly Katie will be there
  • Loring Park art fair on Sunday
    * Kelly is at Isles Gallery in Uptown. Opening is Friday Jan 29. 4-9.



Other notes


Lucie has been busy but will work on contacting anyone who applied to do a solo show in the Fox Den at the Solar Arts Building.


Car caravan to pick up art supplies from people after call for art supplies has been made for Maker Space.


Date for next meeting was chosen – September 21st  6:00 PM


Respectfully Submitted,

Frances Bates.


Task Force Meeting July 27 at 6:00 PM

RECORD Meeting!!

Minutes Always Available here:  https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/2022-task-force-minutes/

ACW Board Member, Herman Milligan’s, Call for Art4Good Fundraiser. Herman is co-curating along with Art4Good artist, Howard Oransky, an upcoming photography exhibition at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities’ Katherine E. Nash Gallery (Department of Art) entitled, . Howard is the Director of The Gallery.  The exhibition, focuses on a historical review of Black American photography from the 1800’s to the present, will run from September 13 – December 10, 2022.
More info: https://cla.umn.edu/art/galleries-public-programs/katherine-e-nash-gallery
Donate an artwork to the fundraiser. Contact Herman for info:  Herman Milligan <herman.milligan@gmail.com>

MWMO Water Project    Apply!  $200 Stipend.  Fully funded by MWMO https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/mississippi-management-and-watershed-project/  July 31 Applications Due.  Participants will be encouraged to create their own projects following the MWMO project.  ACW will provide guidance and act as fiscal agent, if asked.

Park Board Art Lesson Program  Scorpio

Need Logo for 5th Anniversary $100

Next Noble Truths Studio Visit is August 10 with Susan Hensel.   https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/studio-visits-noble-truths/   Owen

Age of Age Reporthttps://www.arttochangetheworld.org/age-of-age/  Closing is July 30. Attend!  Homewood Studios.  Beverages.  Fermented and otherwise. Gourmet Popcorn.  Hear Artists Speak.  Kelly
Catherine Palmer
Marie A. Sipe
Owen Brown
Layl McDill
Jacqueline Swanson
Becca David
Linda Sharpe
Kelly Frankenberg
Candy Kuehn
Suzanne Simmalavong


Caponi Park   Greg

Maker Space Projects
The Haven Housing and YMCA Projects Fully Funded. Artists Selected.
Briauna Williams, Lucy Schroepfer, Layl McDill, Kelly  Frankenberg, Catherine Palmer, SAM Greene, Candy Kuehn, Frances Bates, Lynnette Black, Madalina Kelner, Barbara Bridges
Project Manager: Barbara Bridges

There will be a new call for artists for the big Emma Norton project next Fall 2022.  20 artists to sell 80 works @ $300 each. Also creating a Maker’s Space at that location. https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/maker-space-project/

See FLOW poster following. FLOW is North Minneapolis’ Art A Whirl.  With our new Haven Housing partnership ACW will be coming more involved with North Minneapolis projects. We are invited to the Kick Off for FLOW  on July 28  from 7-10 at the 4th Street Saloon. Be There!

On Location: Deb/ Katie

Introduce Interns

Proposal pitches. Attached. Please review!   Thanks!
Click here to see how to make a project proposal to ACW https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/how-to-submit-a-project-proposal

Commission:   Need 6  – 2 feet x 3 feet cloth bags with shoulder straps for the MWMO Water project. $10 per bag.

Food Shelf Project.  Herman wants details.  He thinks he can get funding.  Need a nice promo paragraph with cost and deliverables for 200 units.. Vicki/Rebecca/ Deb

August Newsletter is YOURS.  Send Essays, articles, your artwork.  Suzanne Simmalavong  suzanne.simmalavong@gmail.com will be compiling the Newsletter. Send her copy and one jpg as you want it to appear!!!

Call for Applications for Kolman & Reeb Gallery Project Space Grants for 2023

Applications for 2023 will be accepted from July 15, 2022 through September 15, 2022. Successful applicants will be notified on or about November 15, 2022. https://kolmanreebgallery.com/project-space/

Summer Party


ACW Future:  See Action Items from Development Meeting Below.

August a Re-Set -Rejuvenate month  All





August a Re-Set -Rejuvenate month  All