Barbara,  Thank you so much for your dynamic leadership in pulling this event together. You really hit a home run and I am confidant that you have generated real momentum for positive change through art, film, social movement, and human connection. I was very proud to be part of Art to Change the World’s See. Say. DO. event.      Anton Treuer, Professor, Author, Activist

*Congratulations on an epic production of grande proportions!  It should not go without saying and I was remiss in leaving without shouting it from the rafters…you saw, you said, you did!  Hopes for some well deserved rest!  Paul  Brown, technical expert volunteer

*Barbara,   You are a wonderfully generous soul- take good care of you, and thank you so much for birthing this brilliant, urgently needed community.   Abrazos,   Anya Achtenberg, Author

*Art does matter which Art To Change the World proved over and over again during their See, Say, Do exhibit of art, dance, film, music and discussion. A beautifully executed display of collaboration, creativity and community.

Congratulations to the collective of amazing talent coming together in support of the arts but also humanity and our environment. We were honored to host ACW at Squirrel Haus Arts and look forward to working with you going forward.

Michael & Donna Meyer, Owners, Squirrel Haus Arts

*For Grace Bianchi

The see, say, do event with art to change the world was a very eye opening and engaging event to see how a new generation is affected by social media. Growing up in a generation where the Internet was just starting out, it was intriguing to see the issues social media brings to girls body image, never being enough, and seeking that perfect life. It was interesting to hear how these young ladies handle it and make choices to support a healthier lifestyle where they are enough. It gave me compassion for a generation dealing with things much bigger than themselves, and how I can support and have conversations with them in a different supportive way!   Emily Thelemann, Custom Jeweler, Shimmering Carbon Studio

*The Art to Change the world events I attended in the See. Say Do! series gave me hope in the power of art to make a difference!  The series involved such a diverse array of mediums, stories and experiences—all together it was immersive and empowering.  I really appreciated how all the artists made the audience and the audience’s interaction and impact so central to their work.  Deacon Warner, Videographer, Film North

*Barbara Bridges knows how to dream big, set a goal and put her manifesting brilliance in action. Thank you for including me and my art and exposing my manifested dream of publishing my book to a wider audience.  Barb Kobe, The Healing Doll Way

*Barbara, you too have traveled far far far away from a secure “home” in this project you have birthed, and birthing includes pain. physical emotional and mental. You had to run fast in order to do it. I know. It is very very lonely to lead. Now your soul, like ours, needs “to catch up” with the miles you and us have gulped and devoured. Give it time. Rest. Heal. Allow slowness back into the rhythm. True to your name, you have built quite a lot of bridges.

Thank you for creating this “Framily” (great word!). Without you it would not exist. I received many gifts from many. I learned so much. I heard amazing human stories. I came home with gifts of authentic human connection.  I value this greatly.

Naturally, there are a few crinkles in such a new collective, which can be soothed out later. Thank you from the deep rivers and waters of love and appreciation. I love this project and the people and works, issues and intentions you all have chosen. Each one is a unique gem.   Shira Richter, Artists, Author, Activist

*Sweet  – you did a fabulous job   Nikki McComb Art as My Weapon Leader and ACW Artist

*When I joined the See. Say. DO. project in a supporting role, I was immediately struck by the variety of genuinely talented artists and topic experts that Barbara Bridges had assembled. Her skill at managing the logistical and administrative aspects of the project was evident from the outset, but it was Barbara’s gift for marshalling the creative energies of such a diverse and deeply passionate group that ultimately ensured its success.

The See. Say. DO. event was unlike anything I’d experienced before: provocative, tangible and exciting. I was proud to be part of it.  Christopher Powers , Software Engineer,  Filmmaker