October 8  South High School Project  10:00 – 1:00   Invitation Only

Compassionate Conversations

Fe Love and Kira Corser, co- founders of Compassionate ARTS, will host a 2-week mentoring series with a select group of 5 to 6 exceptional and diverse youth to form a Compassionate ARTS Youth Leadership Council at South High School. These youth will use their leadership skills to help facilitate on, Oct 8th, at the ACW: See. Say. Do workshop event with 30 participants, most being their peers. The goal is to help teach, and empower, these youth leaders at South High School in the process of having Compassionate Conversations with law enforcement in a peaceful manner that creates a safe space to share concerns about safety and knowledge on our constitutional human rights.

During this process the youth leaders will be asked to each write an essay, or personal creative literary piece, on “How to use your power and influence now to affect change in a compassionate way.” These essays will be collected and shared on the ACW website, at South High School  and possibly other publications.

Together the “Compassionate ARTS Youth Leadership Council” will create a list of actions to support “Safer Schools and Safer Communities”, without the decriminalization of a marginalized group.

The Youth Council will communicate their ideas and inspire their peers in a Compassionate ARTS workshop designed by them for their peers on October 8th at the  ACW: See. Say. Do. event. In the the workshop, the youth will have an opportunity to invite “Compassionate Cops”, legal support and government officials to join them and make art on Peace Posts.  Posts can include facts, inspiring quotes, drawings and more. By using art as community civic engagement,  we help support solidarity and reduce the stigma and intimation from all participants.

Participants: 30  (youth)

Duration of Workshop: 3 hours




Minnesota Humanities Center


This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. Support for this activity is also made possible by Target and the Minnesota Humanities Center.   


Felecia Lenee, better know as Fe Love to her fans is the host and creator of the Artist Eclectic pLAygROUND, a “pop-up” event space that supports new as well as established artists and innovative entrepreneurs primarily in the Pasadena and Greater Los Angeles area. She is on the Leadership Team for CompassionateCalifornia.org and co- founder of the Compassionate ARTS IN ACTION. She works as the Youth Program Director and Creative Strategist for  the national project, Posts for Peace and Justice.Felecia has a B.F.A. from CALARTS where she trained as an actress. Her goals are to support youth, with a focus on health, public safety and social justice. Felecia’s recent public appearances highlighting youth include: March for Our Lives, Los Angeles, CA; Youth Action Summit, Memphis, TN, the U.S. Human Rights Network National Conference, Atlanta, GA. and the 26th Anniversary of the American Disabilities Act, at the White House. Felecia was has also been invited to India as a official delegate to the World Summit for Countering Violent Extremism  Felecia Lenee is a community healer and a certified massage therapist with a concentration on energy balancing. She has been in 16 films, has over 25 years of performing live on stage as a host and entertainer, and in several podcasts promoting racial, gender equality and justice.

Kira Carrillo Corser has designed and produced art throughout California, and the USA for 22 years, in addition to working as staff photographer at KPBS (10 yrs.) and later at California State University Monterey Bay (8 yrs.) Based in San Diego County, she works in partnership with other artists, musicians, nonprofits, community and civic leaders.

Art projects have been awarded: The National Endowment for the Arts, the California Arts Council, Encinitas Rotary Peace Maker of the Year 2017, San Diego Foundation Creative Catalyst 2014 with Jean Isaacs San Diego Dance Theater and the DNA of Creativity Grant from the San Diego Visual Arts Network.

She is a co-founder and co-directs the POSTS FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE NATIONAL PROJECT, Art is the Next Peace: Connecting Communities (Ca Silk PaintingsandSea Changes ACT with local scientists and artists.   These projects are collaborations with intergenerational communities and promote peace and nonviolence.

Exhibitions and participants include: The Carter Center with President Carter and International Human Rights Defenders; Inter-Dependence Day Celebration, a Compassionate California PartnershipSacramento (2017); Semi-permanent installations include the Atlanta BeltLine, as Installation Artists, (a collaborative multi-year fellowship) where 25,000 people see the work weekly, Atlanta Georgia (2015 – 2017.) and 12 California schools, including El Cajon, San Diego, and Fallbrook.  ARTAr  Artist/Educator  San Diego, California   Read More