Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Project

One River’s Trash is the Same River’s Treasure
Looking for 10 participants to earn $200 each to work with forty-year + veteran teacher and artist, Barbara Bridges, on a Mississippi Water Management Organization Stewardship Fund Program grant.
Barbara’s artform focuses on re-cycle, re-purpose and create. This project aims to lead 10 people (diverse culturally and by age) and selected from the larger MWMO neighborhood population, to meet, collect trash along the Mississippi and participate in an immersive curriculum unit which will be collaboratively developed by Barbara, the MWMO staff and the participants themselves. All participants will then collaboratively design and create an elegant artwork using the debris and other natural objects. The project participants will meet 5 times between September and December.
All participants will be encouraged to design, lead and implement their own environmental project going forward.
Read More about the project: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/more-details-on-ortiart/
Post info@arttochangetheworld.org for more information. Apply by July 31, 2022
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10,000 Lakes and One Mighty Miss