Important Notes and Dates

May 13

Good Morning Emma artists,

Status update:

1. Reminder that you are invited to the May 14th Event  Event is a large celebration for all the donors and interested Emma Norton supporters. There will be tours.  ACW’s role for this event is for some of us to be in the pop-up gallery space (currently The Sensory Room)  from 4:30 – 7:00 pm,  at 801 Mount Curve Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55105.  Bring business or show cards!

2. Payments.  I  am waiting for the $$ to drop into our PayPal account.  I had to  do an extra step with this large a transfer.  I sent $5.00 test payments to all our new  ACW Artists to make sure I have the right person.  Please confirm receipt. I should be able to disburse funds in the next few days.

3. Classes will start in September.  Details to follow.

May 3, 2024

I know these communications are long but our ACW projects are sophisticated and the more we plan, the more successful we are!  Remember: All this and other dates and times always appear on our Project Page: I have them stashed under Important Notes and Dates on the info page

Wow!  I am so impressed with everyone delivering their work on time, wrapped and ready to hang!  The quality and variety of art works was so impressive. I am proud to be associated with this project.   See Emma’s staff member, Jacki’s, reaction:  OMG . I am so IN LOVE with EVERY PIECE IN THIS ROOM! ugh!!!! B E A U T I F U L !   I hope Staff get in on this and can choose a piece-if not, that’s fine but O M G! i LOVE THIS ROOM AND EVERY PIECE HERE​   THANK YOU ACW

This message made my day. Take time today to send someone in your life an RAK message.  They are important!  See pictures of the art room and  pop-up gallery here:

Attached is an invite to the May 14 event.  NOTE:  We will have a swag table where you can put flyers and cards.  Be invited to bring something. Lots of important people will be at this event.  An invite to the June 20 ACW/Emma Norton event which we can all invite people to will be following. Shawna will be creating that.  The sooner the better.  People have to plan far ahead in the summer.

As many of you old ACW members know, ACW has several objectives in their mission: Put money  in the hands of artists and build community.


* We are not a make and drop arts organization.  The invoice has been submitted and I will start the Pay Pal disbursements as soon as we receive all the Pay Pal addresses. If you are new to us- you will receive a $5 test first. .  Thank you Emma Norton!!  Make sure Alkemy has your PayPal email. Alkemy Frost Thank You Alkemy.

* We will have three opportunities to build community with Emma Norton. A. Writing the artwork statements and B. Possibly helping the resident who chooses your work hang it on June 20 (Shawna’s request), C. Teach a class in September in the new art classroom!!  See pictures here:

Several more requests from Emma Norton partner, Shawna Nelson:

1.  We have the opportunity to create our artWORK (about the art) statements for each work to be made into a book for the viewers.  The attendees at the May 14 and June 20 events will have access to read about the art and the residents will be able to take those statements home with them when they take their art on June 20.  Artwork statements should tell about the art and about you and have a contact address for people to find you.  This should be what can fit on 1 page (can also be just a few sentences).  These statements invite the viewer into your creative process. Please submit them to Alkemy by May 10.

2. Shawna would like to have one photo of your work to use in possible promotional activities. This is a great opportunity!! These will mostly be online so a nice 72 DPI jpg will be fine.  File name should be:  Your full name and  title of work :  Barbara Bridges-Hope.   Please submit them to Alkemy by May 10.

Always happy to answer your questions as long as you check the Project Page first!! Thanks for your mercy.

April 29

The Partnership between ACW and Emma Norton Services is finally coming together!
I had a lovely visit with Shawna, Tonya and Jacki and toured the new Restoring Waters site.  It is spectacular in every way.  The design, colors, multiple small group and time out rooms, garden rooms, art room (!) and rooftop space were all so inviting!!

May 1 Installation:  We talked about the installation of all the works on May 1 between 3 and 7. Layl McDill is in charge of this activity. There is a wall with a hanging system which looked about 20 feet long.  The hardware is in the room.  The opposing wall of the same length will have a dozen tall easels and 6-12 small easels which can be on the floor to give a variety of levels and opportunities to display at least two works from each artist. Storage will be provided for those works not immediately put on display. Artists should put their name on their works on the outside of their packaging.

Layl will bring small labels with the basics for each artwork to be included in this initial installation.  The stored artworks will have these labels included so the Emma Norton staff can easily replace the works which have been chosen. Alkemy worked on gathering the labels. Thanks Alkemy!  There will be one large framed statement with artists, media and a two sentence artist statement.  The current installation will not allow for artwork statements.

The Art Drop Off on May 1
We will have several helpers there at the front entrance to accept the works from the artists and then the artists can go and find parking and return to carry their works up to The Sensory Room.  Layl will bring W-9’s if you still need to sign one.  A helper will check you off the list when you deliver your work. Layl- I left an ACW lawn sign to put outside the Restoring Waters door and the installation box on the table in 699. Please be invited to bring business/show cards to include on the ACW swag table on May 14.

ACW will have an invoice on May 2.  At that point, we will have a tally of the artists and works which met the criteria for “Ready to Hang”.  Layl will be in charge of deciding how to handle non-compliant submissions.

Resident Art Selections will start in early May.  They may put a sticky note by the work they want.  Emma Norton staff will be in charge of tracking these selections.  They may take the works on June 20 at the Celebration Event.

Art Room
I toured the art room with new work tables, locked storage areas, a sink and drying racks coming!  It even has a deck!! We discussed two more small hanging areas of about 10 feet each so we might bring the teaching artists’ works in for inspiration and for the incentive for the person who attends the most classes (they get to pick one) – along with the $100 shopping trip to Savers. I shared that ACW has the money for 2 months of programming. The specific programming will be informed by the survey of the residents.

May 14
Event is a large celebration for all the donors and interested Emma Norton supporters. There will be tours.  ACW’s role for this event is for some of us to be in the pop-up gallery space (currently The Sensory Room)  from4:30 – 7:00 pm,  at 801 Mount Curve Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55105.  Event is a large celebration for all the funders, partners, and donors and interested Emma Norton  and Project for Pride in Living supporters. There will be tours of both Restoring Waters and Nellie Francis Court (another development next door).  ACW’s role for this event is for some of us to be in the pop-up gallery space (currently The Sensory Room) on the 5th floor from 4:30 – 7:00 pm,   at 801 Mount Curve Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55105. Your presence is encouraged and welcomed, but not mandatory. There will be a small table outside the room where we can display ACW cards, buttons etc. and business cards /handouts from the artists. Please note that this event is family friendly and that there will be food trucks and kids activities in the Civic Plaza near by. Feel free to take shifts in the gallery space and spend time enjoying the open house activities. 

Love to see you there but not mandatory. There will be a small table outside the room where we can display ACW cards, buttons etc. and business cards /handouts from the artists.

June 20  (Hold the Date.  To Be Confirmed)

This will be an Event honoring the Emma Norton /ACW partnership.  All artists (expected), their guests, ACW members and Emma Norton supporters are invited to attend between 6 and 8 PM.  There will be an opportunity to visit the Art Room and Sensory Room (and maybe more) with a program at 7 PM.  Up to 4 artists may select to talk (about 3-5 minutes) about their works.

Shawna will draft an invite for June 20 ( Need this ASAP for maximum efficacy. )
Victoria will track the RSVP’s
Emma Norton will arrange the food and beverages.

There will be a small table where we can display ACW cards, buttons etc. and business cards /handouts from the artists.

April 22

Dear Colleagues!  We are ONE week out!! READ EVERY WORD!!

First, Thank you to Emma Norton for this opportunity!

I hope this message finds you all well and finishing up your artwork!  Please contact me if you need help or have questions about finishing your art.

Have you done put your information in the google form for Layl and Alkemy? ??? We will not have the opportunity to display an artwork statement for each work so we are asking all the artists to create a short 2 sentence artwork statement and a tag with your name and title of work. Use this form.  Need help with the form?  Contact Layl.   Due date April 26.

May  1, 2024
*Deliver art to  2265 Hillcrest Avenue,  St . Paul   55116 between 3:00 and 7:00.
*Ready to Hang ! This means sturdy, safe and designed so the  work will hang on the wall appropriately.
*Please wrap your work to protect it. We will put a sample of  everyone’s work up on May 1 and it will be replaced as the residents choose your works for their new homes.
*Please sign the W-9 attached  and bring it with you if not already submitted.
* We hope to receive the check from Emma Norton within two weeks.  We use Pay Pal for disbursements. Please send your PayPal emails to: Alkemy Frost Thanks for collecting these, Alkemy.  If you would like to know why we use Pay Pal for disbursements click here:

May 14, 2024.  Restoring Waters will have a big  grand opening. 4:30-7:00 We hope some of the artists will be willing to attend.  Not mandatory.

In June we will be having a special event to celebrate the Emma Norton/Art To Change The World Partnership and roll out our art lessons starting in September.
Date to be determined.

Need me?  Just reach out on email!


April 15

I hope this message finds you well and finishing up your artwork!  Please contact me if you need help or have questions about finishing your art.

We will not have the opportunity to display an artwork statement for each work so we are asking all the artists to create a short 2 sentence artwork statement and a tag with your name and title of work. Use this form.  Need help with the form?  Contact Layl.   Due date April 26.

May  1, 2024
Deliver art to  2265 Hillcrest Avenue,  St . Paul   55116 between 3:00 and 7:00.
Ready to Hang ! This means sturdy, safe and designed so the  work will hang on the wall appropriately.
Please wrap your work to protect it. We will put a sample of  everyone’s work up on May 1 and it will be replaced as the residents choose your work for their new homes.
Please sign the W-9 attached  and bring it with you if not already submitted.

May 14, 2024.  Restoring will have a big  grand opening. 4:30-7:00 We hope some of the artists will be willing to attend.  Not mandatory.

In June we will be having a special event to celebrate the Emma Norton/Art To Change The World Partnership and roll out our art lessons starting in September.
Date to be determined.




March 10, 2024.  Survey for Lessons

First Name                                                                                      age

Please circle what you would like to take a class in?

Assemblage/Found Objects




Illustration/Graphic Design


Mixed Media

Music /Songwriting






Emma Norton Home + Heart Maker’s Space First Artist meeting 3-1-24 notes


  1.   Barbara  Mexico. Assemblage
  2. Kelly Eagan. Illustration painting, writing.
  3. Jen, Apple Valley, painter, teaches paper making, book arts, into fabric, jewelry
  4. Lynnette- prints
  5. Cynthia South Dakota and here, former Emma Norton resident, writer, new art collage
  6. Lin- acrylic painter
  7. Sam St. John. Hastings. Mixed media, spray paint, sing, performance, poetry
  8. Carmen Collage and oil, Northeast, originally from Cuba
  9. Anna- mixed media, painting, bead work
  10. Toni- painter
  11. Robin, mixed media, photographer, painting, Bloomington
  12. Sam C- resident, painting and mixed media
  13. SAM G Digital art, drawing, writing
  14. Briauna, Dallas, TX, visual art, digital illustration, muralist, spray paint
  15. SAM G. St. Paul, digital, watercolor, polymer clay poetry, singing, Carnegie Hall
  16. Kim, white bear lake, painter
  17. Sadie, Inver Grove Heights, bra art
  18. Rebecca, painter, textile
  19. Kat, south Minneapolis, painter
  20. Layl, polymer clay
  21. Alex from Emma Norton


Action items: Sam St. John will collect names of people who need plexiglass, help with framing.

: “Nudity in the art is acceptable, so long as it is not explicit, and the tone keeps with the themes of empowerment.”

Alex said the term is “people experiencing homelessness or who have experienced homelessness.”

Alex Dalbey-Thomas’s quote: “access to nature is a vital part of trauma-informed care, and recovering from trauma. The cultural move to prioritize access to nature for people in recovery is social justice!”

Other notes: art delivery May 1st 3-7 at 2265 Hillcrest Ave 55116

$200 for a one hour class taught, not until fall.

Consensus: Digital prints are considered if main media of artist, or they are originally made for this project, and would be worth at least $300 if sold at another venue.