Why does ACW use Pay Pal for Disbersements?

Most of you already know this but here is a….

Peek Behind the Curtain.  The only way ACW has been able to run is the use of the Project Pages and  using our debit card and PayPal to dump into our Quick Books.  I do all the financials and it makes it manageable to have one place to go and reconcile the books. I tried writing checks-they went to the wrong place, got lost in the mail, people lost them and then I had to re-write -it took an unmanageable amount of time and the books were always in chaos. With Pay Pal we also have a description of all income and outgo.  You do not want me to spend all my time doing financials… I need to be turning deals and writing grants.

SO… the result of this model is that we  use Pay Pal to pay all our stipends.  In 7 years I have never had a problem and any questions are answered by real people. They charge  3.5%.  There is always a cost of doing business when moving cash and this is one that makes the entire financials side of things work for ACW.  Most of  the people who receive payments from ACW consider the 3.5 percent a contribution to ACW. Currently- ACW received nothing for overseeing this project. A $100 payment contributes $3.50.  If you have questions or want to discuss this with me, please feel invited to call me at $612-845-0416.