February 20, Minutes

ACW task force meeting minutes, February 20, 3022


Present: Barbara Bridges, Layl McDyll, Natalie McGuire, Nina Robinson, Tom Fulton, Deb Ripp, Kelly Frankenberg, Catherine Palmer, Candy Kuehn, Rebecca David, Lucy Schroepfer


Barbara opened meeting at 4pm with the exciting news of a $500 donation from an anonymous donor that has already been quite generous.




Read * Mission of ACW The Mission: Art to Change the World (ACW) is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change


Restoring Waters Project


Barbara brought us up to date on the new Palette Project- Layl and Barbara connected with the Emma Norton Foundation and an agreement was reached for this venture. More on the specifics on the call to entry and scope as we move forward. This is a way for ACW to tap into St. Paul funding and to broaden our impact. We are going to raise $7000 for this project. We voted on the project. Barbara made a motion to move ahead with the project, Natalie 2nd, vote was unanimous.


*More Astonishing News!

Last Monday we met with the Emma Norton foundation and agreed to partner with them on their new 60 unit residence being built in St. Paul for homeless mothers and their children.  The Basics: They will commission 100 works at $300.00 each (from $20 on the Huxley project to $300 on this one- I told you our strategy would work!!).  There will be 20 ACTIVE ACW artists chosen by a review team from ACW, Emma Norton and someone from outside both organizations. Call will go out in November 2022!  AND… they will be contracting us to create a  Makers Space (art room) for Adults and Children with a Coordinator and art therapy training for interested ACW teaching artists!!  $50 an hour for teaching!  Added Bonus:  We can now go after St. Paul funding organizations!!  This is a $37,000.00 project!!




Barbara shared our MSAB grant request win.


*On the topic of grant requests: We won a $24,400.00 grant from MAB. Earmarked for the following.  These infrastructure grants will not last forever… this is a pandemic phenomena.  Hopefully… this will help us figure out how to sustain w/o grants for personnel.

Project Managers 6,000.00, Social Media Coordinator $4,000.00 Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator $1,000.00, Co-Directors and Intern Director $9,000.00 Much of our success has been because of volunteers.
$1,000.00, Zoom and webhosting $600.00,

$1,000.00  Accountant
$1,600. ACW would like to be able to move into some radio and publication promotion, as well as buy ad space on influencers’ media

* AND… I am about to submit a new $14,500.00 MRAC grant. 

ACW artists in the Age of Age Exhibition at Homewood Studios will be paid $200  for use in preparing the works etc. Apps close Feb 28.  Only a few spots left. ACW Pays Artists!!   Read about the project:  https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/age-of-age/   Barbara and Layl

There are still a few spots left and still time to apply.

  1. $4,000 MRAC request. Re-Organization Support for Expanded Leadership of ACW.  This support will enable ACW to move beyond a volunteer organization and provide support for the three directors to seek ongoing opportunities for organization sustainability. Entire project is $30,000.00
  2. $6,000.00 MRAC Request for Intern project management support for 3 new Interns. These assignments might be website re-design,  serving as Co-coordinator of an existing  ACW program like Club Critique , Fox Den Exhibitions or a new project of their design.  Entire project is $8,000.00
  3. $4,450.00 MRAC Request  for artist stipends and rental for the Homewood Age of Age exhibition. ACW artists should be paid for exploring social justice topics of our culture and sharing their findings with the public in a variety of articles and social media campaigns. Artists need to be paid  or there will be no artists except the independently wealthy. Entire Project is $6,250.00



  • Define ACTIVE ACW Artist.Membership paid and 6 hours of volunteer work completed. ACW is successful because we are a collective. Equity is an important component of the collective model.
  • Barbara asked that we come up with a definition for ACW membership. Because we are a collective it is important that each member that wants to participate in a project, for example, SWAP, exhibitions, critique group etc, they must be an ACTIVE member. This means they must commit to 6 hours of volunteer time a year. Preferably before they participate in a project. There is a list of volunteering opportunities on the ACW website, or Layl and Barbara can help you find a place to plug in.
  • A motion was made by Tom Fulton to approve this definition of an active member with the caveat that we can continue to refine this definition, Nina seconded, a call for discussion, then a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

    * Coaching Project Update on Blood on the Pavement.   Madelina

The coaching projects continue to move along, Ashley has secured the top floor at Northrup King for Art-A-Whirl weekend.


  • Recovery from Trauma Workshop with Bianca Dawkins, Sandra Reardon and Barbara Bridges -April 16. FREE Grant supported.  Family groups welcome.   Barbara/Bianca/Sandy
  • There are still spaces available in these workshops, spread the word.

    *Cultural Exchange with El Nido Community Center- Barra de Potosi, Mexico.  Need to vote up or down on this.
    They are willing.  Space for 6 applicants.  $500 for lodging, three special meals, supplies, programming the match with your partner.  Scholarships available. Check it out: https://www.elnidobarra.com/ Barbara
  • It was put out to the task force to see if there is interest for this cultural exchange. Yes, there was interest and it was decided that we would try to schedule the exchange for the 2nd week of January 9-15th, 2023Sun Country flies direct so no need to go through Mexico City.

  • New Studio Visits Initiative for 2022 -Noble Truths -Report.  Owen Brown
  • Barbara updated us, she told Owen she thought that there should be a focus or theme for the studio visits. Also it was stated that those members participating in this project also need to do their 6 hours of volunteer time.


*Creative Support Grant Report Due March 31.  Need your help with testimonials. Barbara


Barbara would love us all to send in a testimonial to her, what does ACW mean to you, or how has it affected your life.

*On Location  Deb Ripp

Deb said they only had a few people at the Last On Location, but they enjoyed themselves. The next one is March 3rd at MIA

*Data Input survey from marginalized members – Madalina / Becca


Becca and Madalina continue to work on this information and how can we move forward as an organization in regards to this subject.



*Partnership with Solar Arts to host a discussion on Cultural Appropriation. Possibly April?    Discuss risks.  Barbara


We also were updated on the Cultural Appropriation discussion, This is a sensitive proposal, we need to be mindful of the risks etc.. Mike is very interested in doing this!

* Club Critique Coordination Report.  Registration opens February 1 . First meeting April 9 with  Greg Volker  .  Need to Pay your $100 or re-up and roll this program in. Make note on your membership payment. I prosess all those so I will see it.  https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/gritique-minutes/


Greg will have the registration up and running March 1st.


*Social Media Report: Rebecca    Friday Night Meet Up


Barbara encouraged us to attend the Friday night meet up. Rebecca is out of town for February.

* SWAP report: Nina

Nina is connecting with Tessa S again to ask her to join ACW if she wants to pursue her idea with us.


*Building Community page report –Kelly Frankenberg.  Check out the page: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/creating-acw-community/  Send pictures WITH a few sentence description and captions to Kelly F kellyfrankenberg@gmail.com


Kelly will continue to add photos to the Building Community page.


*Fox Den Exhibitions:  Lucy


Lucy updated us on March: Katie and her studio mates

April: Natalie

May: Art-A-Whirl need to start thinking about planning for this.


Candy is taking a class on making videos. She has offered to do some things on TikTok for ACW.


Identify Date for Next Meeting


Next Meeting March 27, 2022 4pm