Status Update # 8

Status Update 8

  1. The Schedule is SET and HOT. The data is going out to print media and digital outlets and is already on our calendar. Review:
    Congrats to all who have their project funded.  If you still need support- please send me possible sponsors and I will reach out to them

2. Next ALL MEMBER meeting and potluck social meeting is August 22 at 2:00 PM on through dinner at Barbara’s house at 2323 Monroe St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418.  We will be casting our survey exit token and collecting and working on the nametags for the Friends of ACW Fundraiser and just having time to be together and share our thoughts. Please RSVP to Barbara at

  1. Minutes from Board, All Member, Status Update and Event Committee Meetings.
  2. Send Layl or me your events for our site, FB and Instagram


  1. Need your video:
  2. Welcome new ACW members Herman Milligan, Sheila Smith, Jessica Reyes, Sarah Teske , Ana Musachio, Leslie Palmer-Ross, Remo Campopiano and Skyler McBernie.
  3. Please welcome new non-profit partners/collaborators WARM and Avivo