Jan 30, 2022 TAsk Force Minutes

Minutes, January 30, 2022




Nina Robinson, Barbara Bridges, Layl McDill, Ashley Richardson, Natalie McGuire, Catherine Palmer, Debra Ripp, Kelly Frankenburg, Greg Volker, Tom Fulton, Owen Brown, Rebecca David, Lucy Schroepfer, Lori O’Neill


Barbara opened meeting at 4.05 pm

Greg Volker read the mission.


Read * Mission of ACW The Mission: Art to Change the World (ACW) is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change


Barbara introduced us to Lori O’Neill from El Nido’s
*Cultural Exchange with El Nido Community Center- Barra de Potosi, Mexico.  Barbara and Lori. On site

* Coaching Project Update on Blood on the Pavement.   Ashley

Ashley Richardson gave us an update on Blood on the Pavement,

They secured a venue for September, Freidli Gallery, probably have a space during Art-A-Whirl in the Northrup King Building. All the artists have been selected. Owen Brown donated a piece for a silent auction with proceeds to go to a yet to be determined organization.

Also a piece by Nikki McComb.


Barbara proposed a Cultural Exchange with El Nido Community Center- Barra de Potosi, Mexico.  Barbara and Lori. It was decided unanimously to continue a discussion on this project. Cost would be approximately $500. Artists would pay their own airfare.


  • New Studio Visits Initiative for 2022 -Noble Truths -Report.  Owen Brown

Owen updated the task force on this project. There will be 6 artists total with 1artist sharing their space every two months. Layl McDill and Greg Volker are among the artists to open their spaces. The first studio event will be in April. As soon Owen sends the bios and other info Layl M and Barbara B will do the PR for the studio visits.




  • Recovery from Trauma Workshop with Bianca Dawkins, Sandra Reardon and Barbara Bridges -April 16.  FREE Grant supported.  Family groups welcome.   Barbara/Bianca/Sandy

Barbara shared that this workshop will happen as stated above.


*Creative Support Grant Report Due March 31.  Need your help with testimonials. Barbara

Barbara asked for help with testimonials for the grant report.


*On Location  Deb Ripp

The next on location will be Union Deot in St. Paul, February 19, 11.30-1.30 pm Lunch at Big River Pizza

* Feb 4 Don’t Look Up Discussion. 6PM  Do not have to be an ACW member to attend. Zoom details in Newsletter. Barb reminded us that this is coming up.


*Data Input survey from marginalized members – Madalina / Becca


Becca shared that she and Madalina had sent out an email with a meet up survey to schedule a time for a meeting to discuss the questions regarding input from marginalized members. Becca will send out a follow up email to make sure everyone got it.



*Partnership with Solar Arts to host a discussion on Cultural Appropriation. Possibly April?    Discuss risks.  Barbara


Mike from Solar Arts definitely is still interested in doing this event. Because this is a sensitive subject area we must seriously discuss the risks, and other concerns.

* Homewood Studios Exhibition in July.  Ageism.  Title: Age of Age. $450.00 galley fee.  Layl


The Call went out in the newsletter. It was decided that Barbara would ask George to be a part of the exhibition. George does not take a percentage of the artist sales but does charge a gallery fee of $450. A motion was made by Nina to okay the $450 gallery fee be paid, Natalie seconded, it was unanimously voted yes we would pay the $450 gallery fee.

Exhibition set up will be July 1st with deinstall on July 31st.

* Club Critique Coordination Report.  Registration opens February 1 . First meeting April 9 with  Greg Volker  https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/gritique-minutes/

* Meeting with Emma Norton again in February.  Possible ADP type opportunity, another Sensory Recovery Room and building an art room! Barbara shared that the project with Emma Norton MAY BE  a go. The space has 60 rooms and the plan is for 20 artists to do work and the will receive payment for these pieces. It will be another Arts District Palette (ADP)


*Social Media Report: Rebecca    Friday Night Meet Up

Barbara shared because Rebecca gone, There were 4 people at the Friday night meet up.

* Attended Timber and Tie “Welcome Center” discussion with 11 other interested entities.  ACW offered to sell artworks for the residents, establish an art room, and help staff the center.  Waiting to hear back.   Barbara and Layl

Layl and Barbara attended this meeting and were not sure anything would come of a partnership with Timber and Tie. They would like to staff the welcome center with artists once a month.


Barbara also stated that ACW should join the NE Chamber of Commerce.


* SWAP report: Nina

Nina shared that Barbara had been contacted by a woman, Tessa Stein about an idea she has to sell art and turn the proceeds onto social justice projects.Nina and Barbara will have a zoom meeting in the future after Nina chats some more with her to see if the idea is feasible.


*Building Community page report –Kelly Frankenberg.  Check out the page: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/creating-acw-community/  Send pictures WITH a few sentence description and captions to Kelly F kellyfrankenberg@gmail.com

Please continue to send photos with descriptions to Kelly, do not send her other things like SWAP info and things Barbara should be getting.

*Fox Den Exhibitions:  Lucy

There will be no gallery show in February. Katie Palmer will be March, Natalie McGuire April, Art-A-Whirl in May


*March 11   Re-Organization Workshop.
There will be a Re-Organization workshop on March 11, ACW was awarded a creative support grant.

*Grants  Barbara and Becca

Barbara is working on MAB and MRAC grants:  I  just  received notification on Jan 26:
Congratulations! You have been awarded a fiscal year 2022 Creative Support for Organizations grant.  $24,500.00

* Add an executive assistant to our ACW staff list.  $100 a month.

Becca is working on:
For the 1/30 Task Force Agenda:

Becca D. has Identified the following resources:

  1. https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-resources/grant-research-tools
  2. https://www.minnesotanonprofits.org/membership/join-mcn
  3. www.candid.com
  4. www.arts.gov
  5. https://www.neh.gov/
  6. www. grants.gov

Becca and Barbara are continuing to apply for grants, looking for ones that meet our specific needs.

Changes to key aspects of Minnesota State Arts Board Grants

  • Maximum grant amounts will increase to $10,000 for individuals and $30,000 for organizations.
  • Eligibility will no longer be restricted to past Arts Board or regional arts council grantees.

What that means for ACW is that we don’t have to wait to apply the higher dollar grants/ more money is being spread wider.


Barb shared that ACW member Eric Helgeson had passed away, there is a lovely tribute in the newsletter.


Identify Date for Next Meeting

The next meeting will be February 20th, 4.00 pm.


Respectfully submitted

Nina Robinson