Survey Outcomes

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How do People Respond to MWMO’s Mississippi River Pearl Project?

Respondents from diverse cultural groups and ages 10-80s.

Art To Change the World conducts surveys and analyzes the data collected for all their social justice projects.  We collected surveys at our Mississippi Watershed and Management Organization (MWMO’s) workshop, Solar Arts Earth Day, the Mill City Museum Workshop and Stone Arch Festival.  We identify emerging trends for modification for next time and what strategies seemed to work towards moving our participants to action.

In answer to the question, “Is The Pearl art?”,  an overwhelming majority said “ yes” and cited the power of turning trash into beauty with a large majority stating “I went away with real knowledge and much to contemplate.”

What did they like the Best? The interactive Discovery Drawers were the favorite with the Wings and the Chair following. The Least? Most answered “Nothing” but several said Pearl made them feel sad and one asked the question we are all thinking about.  “What will we do with Pearl after its grand tour?” This is a good question. Ideas?

An overwhelming majority answered that we “did not forget any specific Topic”  but a few brought up important questions: The role of the American Indian on the river and wanting a specific environmental project they could join right then and there. One asked for the basic story of Pearl to be put on an info stand so people could understand the project at a glance. We are creating this signage.

Finally, for the question, “How were people moved to Specific Action?”  Top topics:  “Pick up trash when on my walks along the river, use less and dispose properly and continue taking care of the earth.”

My favorite response and biggest challenge is to respond to a comment left in the Specific Action question:
I cant help. I a kid.”

We will be working with our partners to make sure our youth believe they CAN help and believe that one person CAN make a difference.

Read more about the Mississippi River Pearl here:

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Survey Outcomes Raw Data