Jill Waterhouse Gender/Sexual Equality
“We Are So Much More Than This” is an examination and exploration of the changes and challenges – for both men and women – embedded in the exploding new paradigm around gender equity, sexual equality and healthy boundaries and the subsequent necessity to redefine the roles and relationships between men and women. In addition, it examines the stereotypes that both sexes have about each other – and themselves – and offers up another lens through which to view these deeply held preconceptions. Lastly, my hope is that this piece and the development and workshops around the topic will encourage honest dialogue between the sexes on how men and women can negotiate the delicate and tricky terrain we now find ourselves in, so that we not only do not lose ourselves, but might find ourselves anew?
Authentic Voice Denny Sponsler, my long time art collaborator and dear friend and 40+ veteran art teacher. I have asked Denny to partner with me on this as he is an enlightened, compassionate man and is willing to assist me in examining the male point of view and the new challenges facing men is this time of shifting paradigms for male and female roles and relationships. Other Possibles : Twin Cities Men’s Center Member and Bill Doherty of Better Angels https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/jill-waterhouse/