I Can Take Myself Dancing

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Barbara Bridges
I Can Take Myself Dancing
20” x 20” x  1”
Antique crystal chandelier, disco balls, other antique findings, Baroque frame home.

I am a septuagenarian singleton.  The Myley Cyrus ‘ song Flowers inspired me to make this body art out of an antique chandelier and disco balls because, you know, I can take myself dancing!

The combination of the beauty of the crystal chandelier pieces- what stories do THEY have to tell -and the sparkling show the wearer projects from the disco balls projects a delightful ambience surrounding the entire space. . They are creating a new narrative.

The chorus of “Flowers” might give many singletons out there inspiration to find joy right in their own hearts!

I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours
Say things you don’t understand
I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Who says the generations can’t communicate?


Julia  Wheaton

Singing in a special cross discipline performance called , “I Can Bring Myself Dancing”.  June 1 at 6:00. 

The powerful-voiced singer Julia Wheaton, who was born in Minneapolis as a naturalized Brazilian, has been captivating audiences wherever she performs. The 19-year-old singer, who was raised by a Brazilian family, combined the richness and authenticity of her two homes—Brazil and the United States—to cultivate her gift. Julia initially encountered the world of music when she was just 5 years old as she began learning to play the piano.









Barbara video   https://youtube.com/shorts/7EmPGEzn7ak?feature=share

Necklace Scan    https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_83z9oKfTZg