Timeline for PR for Oct 2018

ACW Promotions Report/plan 2018

Social Media

Happening NOW:

* Building up our social media presence by training our members to interact with ACW’s posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  This includes sharing, liking, commenting and using hashtags and tags.

Start to do by the end of  June:

* Creating copy for ALL ACW community and Squirrel Haus websites.

* Creating videos-short, provocative statements from artists and authentic voices to post on our FB.

* Creating short provocative teaser quotes  from artists and authentic voices to post on our FB

Do In August:

* Our team will post the events on 15 plus local calendar listings.

* Posting the events on Facebook and use paid promotions posts to get these posts seen outside of our circle.

* Sending out emails as we get closer to the event and eventually build up a regular e-newsletter schedule.

* Invitation to be sent to ALL email lists of ALL ACW Community Members and Authentic Voice participants

Print/Radio/TV Media and Advertising

*  In mid summer we will write a press release and send it to local media.

* Sending  press releases to Star Trib and Pioneer Press.

* Seeking a KFAI interview

* Writing Articles with photos ready to publish sent to small papers in the metro-area.

* Wearables or PENS for sale with See. Say DO- Art to Change the World.org printed on them.

Targeted Outreach

Happening now:

*Collect email addresses for Mail Chimp. Putting sign up button on website and facebook.

* Build up our email list by inviting Facebook followers, contacts, participants and audience members to subscribe.

Do this spring:

* Working to engage the local high schools by meeting with their student groups and presenting.

*Working to partner with many community and treatment centers serving our youth.

Do this summer:

* Inviting a local artist that is outside of our group to submit our exhibit to “Art Hounds” on Minnesota Public Radio.  (Suggestions?)

* ALL ACW Community Members and Authentic Voice participants receive 10 invitations to distribute.  Bearer receives a special SSD-ACW event memory object.

Sponsorship and Special Events

Our committee needs to meet and plan who and when to do these:

* Planning an invitational VIP pre-opening  event to raise awareness and work on funding.

* Reaching out to prominent people who are industry experts and have a following on their blog (these are called influencers). Invite these people to our event.

* Running free ticket promotions on our ACW FB.

* Running free small artwork promotions on our ACW FB.

* Seeking corporate sponsorships. Offer ALL EVENT ticket packages discounted to corporations

* Using existing events. Each member receives 20 event cards to distribute leading up to the SSD-ACW event.


From Barbara:

Other Fundraising Strategies

*Individual Team Support  See Handout for example  Bridges, Kuehn, Gilbert


*ACW “crowdsourcing”   1. $5.00 to “support the cause”. Sent to ALL of our networks.

  1. Add a $1.00 button on all our Social Networking to “Like” our project. Can go through the ACW site.


*Start a Patreon project.  Need someone to manage this. Monthly Subscriptions for insider access.


*Next Project? Community Supported Arts –  10 artists make 10 works.

Sponsorships cost $300.00 x 30 = $9,000.00. All tax deductible. Benefits: 3  artworks. One from each artist at 3 Sponsor Parties. Meet and Greet the artists.

100 works divided by 30 sponsors = 3 works per sponsor with one bonus work for the last party. Each artist will earn $100 per work.  Success will hinge on quality of product.


*Albright Poster. See Say DO.


*Sponsors on Website?  On program?


*Sponsors for Event. Summit?  Art Supply? Other liquor stores? Bakeries? Pasteria? PEACE Coffee shop?


* $25 ALL SSD Events?  A $50 dollar value. “Donate” through the site?  Benefit is ALL SSD Pass. Maybe free drink, too?