Status Update # 5

Outcomes from our May 14 meeting.

1. The Opening was changed to October 6, 2018 . 6-10.  The VIP Event will be Oct 5, 2018 6-8.

2. There will be a new committee headed by ACW Board chair, Joan Vaughn,  to re-vist the Mission and Vision statement.  Goal is a 2 -week turnaround.


  1. My studio will be open this weekend for Art-A- Whirl. I do not really sell objects- I am doing it to promote ACW. I have 40 confirmed for the FREE hot-dish AFTER AAW is over on Sunday at 5:00.   It is an opportunity for us to promote   ACW.  More info: All ACW members and their families are invited to come and make art FREE from 12:00-5:00.  I will have Team Support handouts for all those who are complete.  Check here to see if that is you. PLEASE RSVP  I tagged you all on my FB post.  Hope that is OK.
  2. Although we tried our best… we still do not have a good solution to our Zoom audio/video.  Craig has volunteered to take that challenge on.  I am woefully ill-equipped to solve this challenge.


  1. Meetings:
    May 21, 2018 2:00 at Clay Squared (Combined PR and Non-Profit Meeting). 4 13th Ave NE
    Ste 109 Minneapolis, MN 55413
    June 4, 2018 Design Committee at Squirrel Haus 1:00-3:00.
  2. It was agreed that ACW members want to try and meet more often. Barbara  will put a Doodle up for the week of June 11, 2018. 6:00 meeting times with weekend day options. Please respond within 48 hours. Location will be determined when we get a headcount.


  1. Several members suggested we try to start discussions on our FB page.   Barbara will also connect us on an Instant messenger account.  Please send Barbara provocative quotes, articles, events and videos to post on our ACW FaceBook and Instagram.  I just posted the following from Shira.  Please go there and read and comment.  Let’s start a dialogue.

    Motherhood in a war zone.

5/16/18 The contrast between what was happening inside and outside of the US Embassy in Israel a few days ago is a perfect illustration of our current state of alternative realities. It is difficult to draw conclusions from the various media outlets.  Here is an Authentic Voice:  Israeli and Art to Change the World’s Shira Richter shares her experiential view on what it is like to be a mother in Israel’s current political climate:




I Love My Name


My name is Shira Miriam Richter.


Each name has a deep meaning for me. “Shira” in Hebrew, means “The song of God.” “Miriam” has several meanings: Biblical Miriam was a prophetess, a woman in a patriarchal era with ideas which challenged the status quo. She does not accept reality as the final answer, she challenges, initiates, leads, she opposes cruelty and power dynamics. She is a dancer, a drummer, an artist, a midwife, an activist who saved her own baby brother from death, and then made sure he became of royal status, and she also stood up to  her own personal patriarchs- her father and brother. Like most opinionated women in the bible, she was also punished for wanting a piece of the ‘power pie’. The name Miriam was given to me because it belongs to my paternal grandmother, whom I never met, whom I know very little about. This means her value was unacknowledged.


“Richter” is the family name from my father’s side of the family, which means – judge, or justice.


I love my name because it embodies art, creativity, spirituality, women’s activism, and justice – several themes that represent who I am: A feminist artivist who specializes in the status of women and mothers in the socio-political-economic context and sphere. I am an artist researcher.


The word “Name” (Shem) in Hebrew, is also one of the words for God (Ha-shem).  Read more:  It is worth the time: