Project Manager Meeting Notes


Project Manager Program




  • Barbara
  • Katie
  • Frances
  • Apollo




Add a “Ask to see an example” or a template on the Project Proposal page


Keep It Simple Silly (KISS)


Review committee for applications of those wanting to be Project Managers


Application and contract

  • Follow the ACW mission
  • Encourage people to follow and grow their good leadership skills listed on Layl’s document


Everyone who is a project manager for ACW will need to go through this training


Show examples of past work from Project Managers


Must figure out a way to get their group on the same page


We will use Word and Excel for keeping track of info. Other programs may be used but the information must be transferred into Word/Excel


The checklist needs to be sent to Barbara or review committee and it must include a calendar of updates with what you have down toward your project


Ask for help/Delegate/Ask questions


You can use websites or apps to help you stay organized


Does ACW leadership need to be CCed on emails? -> Yes


People could go through Barbara’s Today I’m Alright workshop as part of the training



  • Presentable, including language
  • On time and prepared
  • Competent
  • Willing to do the research/find answers


Everyone should find a video about being professional


Always carry ACW postcards with you and have an elevator pitch ready


It is important to keep project page updated


Sometimes you need to take a step back


Teach people how to disagree


Reach out to ACW leader to help come up with a solution


Be a Puzzle Master -> Look at the whole picture and figure out how things can work


Activity – People must match a person’s skills/personality to different tasks that need to be completed for a made-up project.


Have regular leadership meetings and do a newsletter article about the leadership


Rely on a team


Create a Google Document check in/task completion form


Make a contact list of the project managers


Even if we can’t teach a skill we can encourage and empower people to follow our example


ACW is not a silo

  • Don’t be a lemming
  • We are all unique
  • Definitely not exclusive


Katie’s document can become a form we have people work on after their proposal and before the Project Manager checklist