PR Meeting Minutes


PR and Social Media Meeting




  • Barbara
  • Layl
  • Rose
  • Frances
  • Kelly
  • Candy




Press Release

3 big projects need articles in newspapers and magazines

  • Maker Space/Emma Norton, Echoes of Tradition, and Milly City Collab
  • Look for someone to do this “job”
  • Layl can help teach people


MCAD has an email for calls for art and a physical board to put up posters


Create a section in the PR spreadsheet for calls for art contacts


Project managers could add letters to send out with press releases for individual emails



Let’s update it to the new banner photo


Once a month an interactive post needs to happen – ask someone (intern?) to help with this

  • Highlighting an artist
  • Asking a question
  • TikTok or YouTube video



Change description to be our mission statement


Cleanup who we are following. Should only be people and arts related accounts.


Reel posted once a month

  • Highlighting an artist
  • “How does art change your world?” videos
  • TikTok


Send to Candy

  • Updated bio/description
  • New member event flyer
  • Give to The Max details


New names for Highlights

  • Calls for Art
  • Events
  • Exhibitions
  • Fox Den
  • On Location
  • Interns
  • Art-A-Whirl
  • Artists > ACW members
  • World of Art > Can include non ACW info


Unless asked, try to not add any graphics/colors/texture to an already designed flyer, poster, or logo. Black or simple border is the best option.



  • Start posting at least once a month
  • Request that interns help make at least 1 video
  • Candy will send Instagram Reels to post there



  • More “How does art change your world?” videos
  • TikTok videos should also posted on here


Twitter – Ask the Task Force about what we should do about our Twitter account




  • Update account to be more complete
  • Post about events
  • Frances and Rose will work on this



  • Check out: Anita Coleman/Coleman Gallery
  • Get more “How does art change your world?” videos at the new member event
  • Rose – Do we want to use Canva to create more consistent branding?