On Location Drawing Coop

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On Location Drawing Co-op

On Location is an informal group that meets up at different local sites through out the Twin Cities to draw.

The idea originated in 2016 when Debra Ripp began drawing the random items piled under the awning of her garage. Deb decided to invite her friend Catherine Palmer to join her in drawing the items in her backyard. Soon they were asking others to come over and began to bring food to share before they knew it the group had grown and they were drawing a few different backyards within the group.

Wanting to expand on their idea Deb and Katie realized they could have people meet at different locations around the Twin Cities. After that it became a great way to meet up with a variety of people who just wanted to draw and eat snacks.

The group is now run by Debra Ripp and Becca David. You can find out more by checking out the On Location Facebook page. See link below.



Meet the Project Managers

Debra Ripp

I am a native Minnesotan born in Mankato and based in the Twin Cities. I welcome you to come visit my studio in the Dow building and in the Creative Zone of St. Paul. The Dow building is on the Green Line of the Twin Cities Light Rail System~ Tobersonstudios,  2242 University Ave. W. #201B, St. Paul. MN 55114

Tobersonstudios is home to a broad range of spirited images by Debra Ripp in mixed media. Toberson is the doghead figure that you see in much of my work.  He is an original insignia character in my work, the guide to all of my imagery.

 I am Mixed Media artist which means I love to explore all possible media, anything that will make the image emerge stronger to obtain the voice it is meant to have. My favorite thing is to vacillate between media and observe how the image can transform and mature as it is manifested in different media, including 3D media.



Artist – Minneapolis, MN


Becca David

Becca was born in rural Pennsylvania and currently in Minneapolis. She began her formal education at Edinboro University of PA and completed a BA in Art and BS in Business Administration at Waynesburg University in Pennsylvania.

She is a firm supporter of the ADA, STEAM initiatives (Science Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) and the belief that ALL children deserve the opportunity to bring their creative voice forward no matter what race, culture, creed, ability, or financial status.

Becca participated in multiple community and school residencies at what is now known as the Pittsburgh Center for Arts and Media, and was a conference presenter at the PA Arts Education Association.

Becca David is a member of ACW, NEMAA and the Teaching Artists Guild. She plays percussion with Brass Solidarity, sings with the Capri Glee, volunteers for The Art Shoppe at the Midtown Global Market, and is the Inclusive Community Coordinator for Showing with the Saints for The Show Gallery.



Artist – Minneapolis, MN


See their art

General photos

Retrospective Art Show 2024 – ACW’s Fox Den Gallery at the Solar Arts Building to host On Location.