Minutes June 25 Event Committee Meeting


Art to Change the World Executive Committee

Squirrel Haus Arts

June 25, 2018

12-2 pm


Present: Craig, Anne, Barb, Jill, Candy, Barry, and Maris. Danielle, Layl, and Kira vis phone.


Thanks to Maris for the pizza and Barb for the brownies!


Craig began the meeting and asked Jill to present on Scheduling.



Jill passed out a scheduling handout.

  • Many workshops and performance times are “Set”.
  • Sunday, October 7 in flux. Times are still uncertain.
  • Shira is a no for Sunday night. She could be scheduled either Saturday morning October 6 or Wednesday evening Oct 10. Barb said she has found housing for Shira.
  • Grace and Danielle are Set for Tuesday, October 9.
  • Wednesday, October 10 is open for a guest speaker or a pop-up. Bill Doherty is not set.
  • Sunday, October 14 is crowded. May have to move some workshops.
  • Barb said she is trying to find housing for Kira.
  • Candy will do her workshop on wearable art on Sunday October 7 and Sunday October 14.


Director’s Report

Barb passed out Treasurer’s and Director’s Report handout.

  • Barb announced we have Anton Treuer and Dodging Bullets for Saturday, October 13. Anton Treuer’s fee is $4000.
  • Barb: arts funding is drying up. NEMAA.
  • ACW received $7100 from the Humanities Council.
  • Helgesson funding is up in the air at this time.
  • Barb announced the non-profits we are partnering with. She asked members to send her contact information for additional non-profits.
  • We have two interns: Ben Swenson-Klatt and Dacia McDill.
  • Barb said Margo Ashwood from the Northeaster Journal newspaper would like to do a pop-up and join us as a photographer.


Ticketing and Funding

  • Barb made a motion to charge $10 per ticket for Craig’s and Danielle’s performances. Candy seconded. Passed.
  • Barb made a motion that Faye, Shira, Grace, and Laura will not be charged a ticket price, but will take a donation. Maris seconded. Passed.
  • Barb made a motion to charge $5 registration fee for workshops. Seconded by Jill. Passed.


  • Dodging Bullets. We do not know what they charge per ticket.




Exhibit Committee Report

  • Barry did make contact with Shira. Barb will talk with Shira this week.
  • No other action at this time.



Barb passed out Treasure Time Talent still needed handout.

  • Craig asked more of our membership to step up and take on some tasks. The handout lists all the things that need support.
  • Discussion about catering, hiring an emcee, wine, square, and screen rental. Barb said sold art would be 70-30 (70% to the artist).
  • Lays will buy a square for ACW.
  • Catering discussion tabled.
  • Emcee discussion tabled.
  • VIP night is $75/per person, which includes Danielle’s performance.
  • There was discussion about “paid staff”, which our potential funders would like to see. This discussion tabled.
  • Barb passed out a PR handout created by Layl.


Craig ended the meeting at 2:02 pm.


Next meetings:

All member meeting. July 14, 1230-230, at the Eastside Food Coop in Northeast.


Executive Committee. July 23, 4-6 pm, Layl’s house, followed by pizza and more 6-8 pm.