MAy 4, 2019 Directors Report

Director’s Report May 4, 2019    Respectfully Submitted by Barbara Bridges

The OLLI  U of M Seminar /Studio Visit Project  started with an authentic discussion session focused on the topic “CAN art change the world? “ with ACW artists.  The sessions following were held at the studios of Craig Harris, Barb Kobe, Layl McDill and Barbara Bridges..  Funding Source: General fund $200

Coaching Project for a Better World   
Ashmore/ McDill/ Bridges/Milligan
ACW offers two tracks. 1. Project Coaching.  2.  Leadership Coaching.  Funding Source: Bush Grant and Private Donors

Invent & Present! is a partnership project which includes three ACW artists and three ACW non-profit Partners and seeks to provide the opportunity to work with TODAY, I’m Alright, a large interactive healing cabinet created by twin cities sculptor, Barbara Bridges. Participants, lead by Barbara, Laura Mann-Hill from the Children’s Theatre Company and George Roberts from Homewood Studios, will imagine and embody their dreams for the future.  General Fund:  Bus for South High School: $200 (possible).

Air B and B Project NorthEast Air B and B owners Richard Raymond. Hang and sell ACW Artist work in the B and B’s and create a one night “The NorthEast Art Experience”.  Richard will pay a $50 monthly fee to hang/manage the art. The buyers will pay the artists directly with 10% going to the project manager.

Second Class Citizens. Exhibition/Event with Language Central – Manisha Nordine She want to invite Ilhan.

Need New Cards. Copy?  Funding Source: General Funding $200

ArtShare –Start once a month studio meet-ups to share work in progress. First one with Remo at the California Building. No Funding Needed

Weekly Spanish Conversation group.  Must be an ACW member to attend. $50 a week. Private Donation

ACW Cuba trip lead by Anya Achenberg. No Funding Needed

Gibson fundraiser  Sally plans a house party for selected guests from her social circle.  Barbara will show selected works and talk about ACW projects. The goal is to fund specific projects.

Major Donor Party. October 5  11:00-7:00  Lynn Olson has agreed to host a Major Donor party at her farm in Wisconsin. for members $300 and up, Feature new ACW member Frank Stone
Two pick-up locations. One in Mpls and one in St. Paul
Maximum 50 people.
Clayton,  WI
Bus from Lorens
Brats and Beer and Wine. (ACW gives $300 for food)
“ACW Family” model.  Members encouraged to bring side dishes.  Funding Source: General Fund $300 for Beer and Brats

Art4Good Fundraiser 
Herman Milligan plans one of his fundraisers for ACW.  He has selected artists and we would ask some of ACW artists to contribute.  Artists can keep a percentage of sale.

Quarterly Studio Tours for $200 and up donors. Who?

2018 Taxes Filed

Grant(s) Update
Walker $11,000.00   August 31
$4,000.00  May 31
$30,000.00 Rolling Submission