May 1, 2022 Task Force Minutes
Present: Barbara Bridges, Layl McDill, Lucy Schroepfer, Kelly Frankenberg, Deb Ripp, Scorpio (Brian Serrano), Katie Palmer, Greg Volker, Nina Robinson
Action Items/Motions
Age of Age : Layl is working on press releases.
- Need some contacts/publications to send press releases in St. Paul. Keep in mind if we have any ideas.
- ACW will be 5 years old on July 21st.
- Summer party to celebrate 5th year anniversary, July 20th with July 21st as rain day. Please bring your favorite Pizza toppings. Volunteers needed to help set up at 3pm on July 20th. Barbara
- Barbara made a motion to institute an ACW Longevity of Influence Award, Kelly 2nd, vote unanimous.
- Barbara needs volunteers for the Chowdah Feed, June 17, 3-5 Layl, Natalie and Nina seafood shucking. Need June 18th day of event volunteers, Deb Ripp.
- Food shelf Initiative: Becca and Vicki. Deb will reach out to Becca about the blank postcards for coloring.
- Club Critique first meeting May 4, 6.30
- New name for newsletter, “The Change Report” unanimous vote.
- Send out a call for a new logo for the newsletter.
- Barbara asked for someone on the task force to serve on the Development Committee, please email Barbara if interested.
- Motion was made to start a task force birthday club. Kelly 2nd, unanimous vote. Send Rebecca Froehlich birthdate information.
- Mojo Fundraiser, Co-project managers, Nina and Kelly, Nina will collect names of interested artists, Layl does promo and sets up tents, Barb will liaison with Marco, will do the ACW day of show promo. If people need tables they should bring them. Artists currently committed to the event, Barb, Deb Ripp, Nina. Room for 5 more.
- Noble Truths Studio Visit, Greg Volker June 23, 6.
- On location May 28th Downtown Library, Whole Foods lunch. Deb Ripp has pledged $200 from calendar sales to go to ACW scholarship TBD. Candy is updating the on location web page
- SWAP—Need more product, please encourage artists to submit their art.
- Blood on Pavement, May 5th 5-9 opening
- Discussion about Art Star Scholarship, Senior in High School, this program will fall under the youth coordinator duties. Bring in new members by naming scholarship after them?
- 5 Watt Radio & Musicians, Greg will facilitate the collaboration, Barbara made a motion that we would partner with Mojo and 5 Watt, Nina 2nd, unanimous vote.
- New Logo for 5th anniversary, Scorpio designed 2 versions , Barb made a motion to adopt the new logos, Nina 2nd, Unanimous vote.
- Please distribute the job description for the two new positions in ACW to people that would be interested.
- Meeting day change—
Next Meeting: Thursday May 26th 6 pm.