March 21st, 2021


March 21st, 2021

Attending: Barbara, Abby, Natalie, Johnny, Lynnette, Scorpio, Candy, Susan, Lucy

Notes: Abby



  • Social Media Plans   Scorpio 
    • Scorpio is making own page, and will be editing
    • Action: by Friday, send to Barbara so she can embed/make it the new social media page
    • SWAP
      • Action: Scorpio to send a new email (today) to update membership, and opportunity to make 2-3 min. mini documentaries to go out on social media
      • ACW will pay $50, member pay $50 for opportunity 
      • SWAP will be kept to one page on website 
      • Artists may trade out their artworks
    • Also creating PUPP poster, and additional variations of Johnny’s promotional card for additional social media purposes
  • Coaching Project/ Grant Writing and Intern News –Abby
    • Awesome Foundation Grant to be submitted this week
    • [Barbara] – Possible funding to come for the Coaching Project through the Holland fdn. 
  • Practice Zoom Group Again
    • Smooth execution! 


ADP – Still to Do:

  • Overview Show ADP Website/ADP Artists/ Call for Coupons with Value from ALL ACW members Barbara
    • All artists and leaders are up on the webpage
    • ADP bag is at the printers (also online) 
      • Can we (ACW members) buy bags?
        • “A soft yes” – likely, but not certain
      • 9 instead of 18 spots – but all filled! 
      • All 9 businesses/orgs invited to Barbara’s chowder feed! 
  • Porcelain bud vase project  Swag Bag  From ACW- Lynnette
    • Action: Commitment to painting 10 at 3pm on Saturday April 11th, 2021
      • Layl, Susan, Abby, Candy, Natalie, Susan, Barbara, Lucy, Lynette 
  • Overview of Canvassing Committee – Judy or Lucy  Lucy/Devin/Scorpio talk about ACW
    • Coupon Holder
      • Devin to do an aerial shot of Mpls, will be laminated and have ACW logo
      • Image will then also be accessible to ACW in the future 
    • A couple more items/coupon have been collected: around 40 total
    • Barbara – probably able to get 20+ more
    • Action: All ACW members are welcome to put something in the bag **reminder it has to be of [intrinsic]/value 
    • Chase – got back to Lucy on Friday. They’re still thinking about what SWAG to include. Chase will get back on Monday or Tuesday. 
      • Could pitch having them underride a musician 
  • Overview of Artists Committee – Layl – Will invite ALL 
    • ACW members to put objects or cards with value attached in the SWAG BAg.
    • Great meeting with artists – folks are excited!
  • Overview of PUPP Committee– Catherine and Susan.
    • Change show up time to 9am!
    • Thank you Natalie for all your work on table/chair set up!
      • 6 tables/12 chairs. Barbara to make tablecloths
    • Budget: currently over as promised – but should shake out okay
    • Will get insurance for the event area (approx. $200)