Leadership Meeting
- Barbara
- Kelly
- Lucy
- KaoLee
- Frances
- Katie
- Apollo
- Briauna
Barbara and Apollo will be connecting about the website update
Maker Space/Emma Norton is funded but Echoes of Tradition and Milly City Collab are waiting on grants and only partially funded.
Frances will be coming up with some goals for our PR and social media plan. This will be discussed at the upcoming PR meeting.
Scholarship Members
- How do we get them into our database?
- Apollo will help look into this
Peer Reviews
- How do we keep this civil?
- Start off with self-refection and can use peer reviews if needed
Winter Programing
- January to March
- Top name choice: ACW Cabin Fever Reliever
- Days of each month will be decided ahead of time
Agreed to go up with the stipends
Give to the Max Day info is on our website and will be sent out
- Look for more grants to apply to
- $1,000 Club created for donors in that amount
- Look for contacts at businesses that could sponsor us