Kate Renee Team Support

 Art to Change the World (ACWis a non-profit multidisciplinary, cross-generational coalition of 40 social practice artists, educators, scientists, authentic/expert voices and other change makers who meet at the intersection of art and natural and social science. We aspire to investigate what divides us and discover strategies that might unite us, encouraging the marginalized, disenfranchised, underserved, and the established elite to join forces to DO Something about societal challenges. https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/mission

       Support a Team.  Become a ACW Team Member!   $1,000.00

ACW will host a two-week event with exhibition, performances and workshops around the theme of See. Say. DO What’s Your Issue? from Oct. 5-14, 2018. Over a dozen established and emerging artists and their authentic voice team members creating social and environmental justice works, transforming the cutting-edge art space Squirrel Haus Arts in South Minneapolis into an inviting and magical universe which draws the visitor into a thought provoking, interactive journey with the intent of inspiring action in our community.

Do you have a specific social topic you would like to sponsor? The artist/authentic voice teams need about $1,000.00 for both of them to research, travel, buy art and educational supplies/materials. Each artist has selected an authentic voice (or 2). We might also call these integral team mates a “primary source voice.” ALL of the team members learn from the other team members.  You will become a member of the team. We value your voice.

Support benefits included (all optional) :
Studio visit
Monthly artist news/networking/events emailed
Access to the Art to Change the World forum
Membership in book club
Invitations to celebrations and gatherings
ACW coaster set
ACW Hot Beverage Mug
ACW  Tote  Bag
Invitation to an authentic Maine Seafood Chowder dinner created by native  Mainer Barbara Bridges  OR   A small artwork created by an ACW artist .

Donate Here  https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/donate/ Post Director, Barbara Bridges, to indicate the amount and the artist you want to support  info@arttochangetheworld.org.  You will receive a letter for your taxes.  Call to discuss details with Barbara if you have questions: 612 845 0416.

Project Description:  Kate Renee  Topic: Glutthoney

Our horror and fascination with obesity is closely tied to the nature of our children’s programming and entertainment. It opens a door to our children becoming over-eaters and obese. Written about in books and hobbling across the television screen with a rotund belly and sticky paws, the beloved bear, Winnie the Pooh, is one of the most well-known gluttons. Suspended within layers of resin, Winnie the Pooh is trapped not only within the seven layers of the painting, Glutthoney, but within the personal hell of his honey obsession. As his growing belly juts out far into the space towards the viewer, we get a chance to see Winnie a few years down the road. Gone are the days of this cute, pudgy bear getting stuck in his den and needing his best friends Tigger or Piglet to pull him out. Pooh is a drooling infatuated maniac covered and trapped in layers of honey. This Pooh will forever be a voice speaking to how we are influenced at a young age through the stories we are taught by the seemingly cute characters of our childhood. As we grow up following these beloved character’s behaviors, our bellies and bodies begin to bloat.


Kate ReneeKate Renee is an acrylic painter from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has been a professional artist since 2008 and works out of her space in the 2010 Artblok building where she also offers creative coaching and arts business assistance for artists.

Kate actively participates in the local arts community but is also building a national reputation as a fine artist. Her work encompasses technique where resin and acrylic paint are layered to create a three dimensional effect. She is recognized for her twisted series, Beauties Behaving Badly, which was a grant supported series of work that nearly sold out at her solo exhibition at Gamut Gallery. Her latest series called, 7 Sins, paired the seven deadly sins with known characters and cultural icons.