February 14 Status Update
I thought this might be an appropriate date to send you this status update. So many myths, traditions and media manipulation to unpack on this day, February 14. A discussion all on its own!
MINUTES AND STATUS UPDATES are now available here: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/minutes/ Make sure to read the Event Task Force Meeting minutes. Thank You Madelynne Engle (Board and Member Meeting Minutes) and Jill Waterhouse (Task Force Meeting Minutes).
We are making good progress on development for the October 2018 Event. It will be on us before we know it! Thanks to Layl McDill for taking over as chair on the PR Committee. Please see the attached Task List for details on the Event and other issues which may need your attention. Yellow still needs volunteers. Event participants must be active members. Currently, you can view the basic topics following. We are working on grants and PR and need the data from the surveys. If you do not have a topic below- Anne needs a survey from you ASAP. Attached.
Current Topics
Craig Human Senses-CTSD
Anne- Heart Listening
Rebecca -Labor/Unions
Candy-Dark Energy/Brain Neurology
Jill -Gender/Sexual Equality
Maris-Water Quality
Barb K – The Healing Doll
Margie -Water Quality
Kira – Climate Change Human Rights
Layl Device Addiction
Barry Climate Change
Our working topic is What’s Your Issue and as we get a sense of what our topics are… we are thinking of at least a sub-title or even a whole new sexy/ edgy/attention getting /provocative title. We need to identify this soon because many PR venues need a 6-month lead. Send ideas to Craig: Craig@InterferenceArts.com
You must have applications in from you and your expert voice by April 1, 2018 in order to participate in the exhibition. Call Barbara if you would like brainstorm on expert voices. 612 845 0416
Raise money to support YOUR project. Try to find a member to support YOUR team topic. Any contribution is tax deductible and they can earmark it for your project. Tell them to indicate the money goes to your project when they join and send me an email drb@bridgescreate.com. https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/product-category/support-us/
Possible copy for your ask. Please edit at will.
Dear ,
I am writing to invite you to join a project I am involved with called Art To Change The World.
The mission of ACW is to build a supportive community of voices who aspire to encourage change through positive knowledge, collaboration, and sometimes humor. We seek artists, scientists, educators, change makers and all supporters to meet at the intersection of art and natural and social sciences. https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/mission
We will be holding an event/exhibition in October 2018. Our organization is unique in that our member topics, listed below, will be developed by teams of artists, educators, scientists and other expert voices.
If you are interested in supporting your topic or a specific artist, we need about $2,000.00 per team for travel, supplies and participant stipends but any contribution is greatly appreciated!! https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/product-category/support-us/ Indicate if you have a specific team or topic when you donate by sending the ACW Director, Barbara Bridges, an email drb@bridgescreate.com after you make your donation.
Human Senses-CTSD
Heart Listening
Dark Energy/Brain Neurology
Gender/Sexual Equality
The Healing Doll
Water Quality
Climate Change /Human Rights
Device Addiction