Barra De Potosi Adventure

Insider Visit to Barra di Potosi

Here is what we came up with for a Barra adventure.

You are invited to  test a pilot experience that supports  several community projects in Barra.  I am working with friends here to encourage visitors from Zihua to come for an overnight adventure. Think of this as a community service.  We only have 6 spots (in three El Nido rooms) so do not feel pressured! First come first served! The El Nido rooms are basic, with private bath, air conditioning and a big gathering space up on the roof community room.  We are kind of hoping you may be willing to help us tweek the potential of El Nido with ideas  and become  Barra  ambassadors by telling others how much fun you had.     We want to see people who are interested in supporting the people out here doing good work.  No one is making any money not usually charged and Lori and I are working for bupkiss, of course ; /0

Click for info on all Venues

El Nido Community center and habitaciones.
Cheley Oregon Dawn lagoon tour and Rosita’s Restaurant.
El Refugio Eco Park
Tortuga Bar

IF there is a turtle release going on Sunday – you might see that on the way out of town.


Jan 21. Saturday

1:00 PM Check into El Nido  Rent Included
4:00 Drinks on the El Nido roof center.  Included
5:00  Dinner in town of Barra (we will bring you to our secret favorite). You pay for what you want. Entrees under 200 pesos.
7:00   Gather at the Tortuga Bar  for drinks, games and conversation. You pay for what you want.

Jan 22  Sunday
7:00 AM.  Lagoon Tour.  Gather at  Chely Oregon’s Restaurant , Rosita’s, with sun screen, hats and water for an amazing lagoon bird tour.  I saw 37 different bird species when I went last time. Included
8:30 Breakfast with Chely at Rosita’s. You pay for what you want. Breakfast around 100 pesos.
10:00 Check out of El Nido. Transportation to El Refugio Included.
10:15.  Arrive at El Refugio for tour of Eco Park. Included

Transportation back and forth to Barra. Not Included.  Some have cars and we can have taxi(s) standing by.

Price is $2000 pesos per person.  

$104 US.  WHAT a deal!!