Board Meeting Art To Change The World Inc.
Patricia Rogers
Margo Ashmore
Wenwen Liao
Liza Ferrari
Mohamed Bulhan
Layl McDill
Sally Gibson
David O’Fallon
Laura Mann-Hill
Bianca Dawkins
Mission: Art to Change the World (ACW) is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change.
Please pre-review December 2, 2020 Minutes
Attending: Barbara, Layl, Bianca, Sally, Patricia, Margo, David, Mohammad, Liza, Laura
6:00 | Welcome and Read the Mission Statement – Barbara & Layl |
6:15 | Review Board Terms/ Discuss Conflict of Interest/Ethics/Code of Conduct/New Board Members/Retiring Members
● Some terms are ending – if anyone knows good candidates, reach out ● New board member: Bianca Dawkins ● New Board Member Laura Mann-Hill ○ Started with ACW on social media, is currently with Minneapolis Fdn. |
Accept Dec 2, 2020 Minutes | |
Vote Minute Taker -Abby Ross
● Vote: unanimously in favor |
6:30 | Treasurer’s Report – Lisa
● No Q1 yet, expected within 2 weeks ● Projected budget – Barbara ○ ACW received MAB Creative Support Grant – $14,840.00 ○ ACW is $1,740.00 ahead even without another penny earned ○ Expenses: primarily ADP and stipends for volunteer coordinators |
6:40 | Director’s Report
● How ACW Responded to Murder of Daunte Wright ○ Barbara conversed with Laura ■ BIPOC interns wrote a statement ○ Feedback on how this was handled? ■ Many different ways to approach – artists play critical role in shaping conversation ■ Gratitude for Devin and other interns who took part ■ We can’t not speak on this because it impacts us all ■ Social media call to engage/start conversation ● Maybe try separate thread/post in the future ● Generally ACW expanding reach on FB/social ● Breakdown (spending) for MN Arts Board Grant ○ Website updates ■ search bar + automatic renewal notices ● Grant Updates – Abby Ross ○ Since Feb. 2021ACW has applied for 4 Grants ■ MRAC – $15,000 for Coaching Project (outstanding) ■ Mpls. Fdn: Racial and Economic Justice Grant – $50k for operational costs (denied) ■ Awesome Fnd – $1,000 for Coaching Project (outstanding) ■ Mpls. Micro Grant for Safe Communities – $5,000 for Coaching Project (outstanding) ■ Anticipate responses on all within next 4-6 weeks ○ Looking ahead: ■ George Family Foundation – approx. $5k (LOI required, ongoing request) for Coaching Project ■ F.R Bigelow Foundation/Mardag Foundation – $5-15,000 for Coaching Project (July) ■ Jerome Fdn – $35k for 2 years for Operational Costs (Summer 2021) ■ Social Ventures Partners (SVP) MN – $25k for 2 years for Operational Costs ● ACW not taking part in Give MN this year ● Arts District Pallet (ADP) Update – Barbara ○ All information is on webpage – also creating community ○ Sociable Cider Werks will host mixer event ■ will have exhibition, artists vending tables, musicians ○ Van Gogh event will be across the street ○ Artist are promoted on social media ○ $500 paid by each organizational sponsors (on swag bag) ○ 60 new members to ACW in the last few months (mostly due to ADP) ○ ACW gifted membership to artists who weren’t previously members ○ ADP Expense – Barbara shares grant/expense breakdown ■ KFAI: traded interviews and spots for bag space ● Coaching Project for a Better World – Barbara ○ 3 youth candidates, each assigned an artist and science coach ○ Teams (vs. mentors) ○ Each team will develop social justice project ○ Adjusted budget online to show ACW investment ○ Can go after additional funds when we breakdown candidates by region ○ Total budget: $30,000.00 (approx.$10k/team) ■ Barbara reaching out to local business/corporations ■ * Please reach out to Barbara with names/funding opportunities ○ How broad is the definition of scientist? ■ Very broad — same with artists, could be dancers etc. ■ Climate Justice is a hot topic, might open doors |
7:00 | Discuss Outcomes Re-Org Meeting
● Barbara- how do we grow AWC as a collective? Moving beyond the “Barbara Bridges as our biggest asset” model ● Goals: ○ 2 Co-Directors, and Intern Director ■ Artistic Director, Managing Director, Youth Leadership Intern Director ○ Pay: cotinine with 1099 model (not salaried) ○ 20% admin, 80% programming operational breakdown ○ $15-$18,000, for approx 15 hrs/week is the goal ○ Figuring out how to paid artists for making art Feedback/Discussion: ● Paying artist for making art ○ Similar to guarantee income models ○ Could call this project directors, or program consultants ○ Could offer stipend for self-directed work ■ *still a container of time (Summer Institute) ○ could complement Coaching Project ○ Artist leaders could be challenging to create art that reflects their journey to become a leader/understanding leadership ■ without defining “artist” and “leadership” ■ Should be grounded: generative, creative, collaborative, forwarding looking – not about a specific outcome until you’re in a context of some kind. ○ Those doing this should be the ones to shape it and define it ● Member led initiatives ○ Members get a stipend and lead efforts within ACW ○ A way to engage our members beyond other ACW programming like Coaching Project which has limited involvement ■ ex: Solar Arts donated space at ArtAWhirl for ACW ■ ex: Interns setting up space at Saints game ■ ex: Group ACW show at Homewood ○ Idea: ACW to have a buddy/partner model to support new/old members ○ I Can Overcome Negativity (ICON) Project – Bianca ■ Geared toward supporting victims of domestic violence ■ Promote self love, provide hope, and healing ○ Healing bags being made: ■ Barbara and Layl contributing ■ Bags include gifts from local artists, etc. ○ Newsletter is the best way to hear about member led initiatives |
7:45 | New Business |
8:00 | Set date for next meeting in August 2021. End Meeting.
● Wednesday, September 8th at 6:00 -2021 |