April 21, 2021 Board Agenda and Minutes

Board Meeting Art To Change The World Inc.
Patricia Rogers
Margo Ashmore
Wenwen Liao
Liza  Ferrari
Mohamed Bulhan
Layl McDill
Sally Gibson
David O’Fallon
Laura Mann-Hill
Bianca Dawkins

Mission: Art to Change the World (ACW)  is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change.

Please pre-review December 2, 2020 Minutes

Attending: Barbara, Layl, Bianca, Sally, Patricia, Margo, David, Mohammad, Liza, Laura

6:00 Welcome and Read the Mission Statement  – Barbara & Layl
6:15 Review Board Terms/ Discuss Conflict of Interest/Ethics/Code of Conduct/New Board Members/Retiring Members

●      Some terms are ending – if anyone knows good candidates, reach out

●      New board member: Bianca Dawkins

●      New Board Member Laura Mann-Hill

○      Started with ACW on social media, is currently with Minneapolis Fdn.

  Accept Dec 2, 2020 Minutes
  Vote Minute Taker -Abby Ross

●      Vote: unanimously in favor

6:30 Treasurer’s Report – Lisa

●      No Q1 yet, expected within 2 weeks

●      Projected budget – Barbara

○      ACW received MAB Creative Support Grant – $14,840.00

○      ACW is $1,740.00 ahead even without another penny earned

○      Expenses: primarily ADP and stipends for volunteer coordinators

6:40 Director’s Report

●      How ACW Responded to Murder of Daunte Wright

○      Barbara conversed with Laura

■      BIPOC interns wrote a statement

○      Feedback on how this was handled?

■      Many different ways to approach – artists play critical role in shaping conversation

■      Gratitude for Devin and other interns who took part

■      We can’t not speak on this because it impacts us all

■      Social media call to engage/start conversation

●      Maybe try separate thread/post in the future

●      Generally ACW expanding reach on FB/social

●      Breakdown (spending) for MN Arts Board Grant

○      Website updates

■      search bar + automatic renewal notices

●      Grant Updates – Abby Ross

○      Since Feb. 2021ACW has applied for 4 Grants

■      MRAC – $15,000 for Coaching Project (outstanding)

■      Mpls. Fdn: Racial and Economic Justice Grant – $50k for operational costs (denied)

■      Awesome Fnd – $1,000 for Coaching Project (outstanding)

■      Mpls. Micro Grant for Safe Communities – $5,000 for Coaching Project (outstanding)

■      Anticipate responses on all within next 4-6 weeks

○      Looking ahead:

■      George Family Foundation – approx. $5k (LOI required, ongoing request) for Coaching Project

■      F.R Bigelow Foundation/Mardag Foundation – $5-15,000 for Coaching Project (July)

■      Jerome Fdn – $35k for 2 years for Operational Costs (Summer 2021)

■      Social Ventures Partners (SVP) MN – $25k for 2 years for Operational Costs

●      ACW not taking part in Give MN this year

●      Arts District Pallet (ADP) Update – Barbara

○      All information is on webpage – also creating community

○      Sociable Cider Werks will host mixer event

■      will have exhibition, artists vending tables, musicians

○      Van Gogh event will be across the street

○      Artist are promoted on social media

○      $500 paid by each organizational sponsors (on swag bag)

○      60 new members to ACW in the last few months (mostly due to ADP)

○      ACW gifted membership to artists who weren’t previously members

○      ADP Expense – Barbara shares grant/expense breakdown

■      KFAI: traded interviews and spots for bag space

●      Coaching Project for a Better World – Barbara

○      3 youth candidates, each assigned an artist and science coach

○      Teams (vs. mentors)

○      Each team will develop social justice project

○      Adjusted budget online to show ACW investment

○      Can go after additional funds when we breakdown candidates by region

○      Total budget: $30,000.00 (approx.$10k/team)

■      Barbara reaching out to local business/corporations

■      * Please reach out to Barbara with names/funding opportunities

○      How broad is the definition of scientist?

■      Very broad — same with artists, could be dancers etc.

■      Climate Justice is a hot topic, might open doors

7:00 Discuss Outcomes Re-Org Meeting

●      Barbara- how do we grow AWC as a collective? Moving beyond the “Barbara Bridges as our biggest asset” model

●      Goals:

○      2 Co-Directors, and Intern Director

■      Artistic Director, Managing Director, Youth Leadership Intern Director

○      Pay: cotinine with 1099 model (not salaried)

○      20% admin, 80% programming operational breakdown

○      $15-$18,000, for approx 15 hrs/week is the goal

○      Figuring out how to paid artists for making art


●      Paying artist for making art

○      Similar to guarantee income models

○      Could call this project directors, or program consultants

○      Could offer stipend for self-directed work

■      *still a container of time (Summer Institute)

○      could complement Coaching Project
Use words of what we’re doing: Artist. leaders. > The Artist Leader

○      Artist leaders could be challenging to create art that reflects their journey to become a leader/understanding leadership

■      without defining “artist” and “leadership”

■      Should be grounded: generative, creative, collaborative, forwarding looking – not about a specific outcome until you’re in a context of some kind.

○      Those doing this should be the ones to shape it and define it

●      Member led initiatives

○      Members get a stipend and lead efforts within ACW

○      A way to engage our members beyond other ACW programming like Coaching Project which has limited involvement

■      ex: Solar Arts donated space at ArtAWhirl for ACW

■      ex: Interns setting up space at Saints game

■      ex: Group ACW show at Homewood

○      Idea: ACW to have a buddy/partner model to support new/old members

○      I Can Overcome Negativity (ICON) Project – Bianca

■      Geared toward supporting victims of domestic violence

■      Promote self love, provide hope, and healing

○      Healing bags being made:

■      Barbara and Layl contributing

■      Bags include gifts from local artists, etc.

○      Newsletter is the best way to hear about member led initiatives

7:45 New Business
8:00 Set date for next meeting in August 2021. End Meeting.

●      Wednesday, September 8th at 6:00   -2021