Task Force Meeting
- Barbara
- Deb
- Rose
- Natalie
- Katie
- Frances
- Layl
- Briauna
- Alkemy
- Kelly
Calls for Art from Kelly
- Recycled themed artworks – font/background color make it hard to read
- Fluoride Fashion project is about wearable artwork – What about the people who disagree?
Set up for Art-A-Whirl will be on April 30th
Heal and Chill
- Artwork will mostly come from the art shop
- Make sure are advertising this
- Let’s find out where participants are based out of so we can advertise in their local areas
Life of the Spectrum
- Rose is gathering info for the project page
- Will try reaching out to AuSM again
- Look into MAMI
The Art of Drag
- Frances and Barbara met with Mike
- Mike connected us to CJ of Mintahoe and we will be meeting on April 29th
- Moving date to September
Rose and Frances can make a TikTok about Barbara’s Miley Cyrus inspired art
Send Frances all events for the calendar – francesbates22@gmail.com
Press Releases
- Briauna and Rose need to send Barbara info about their participants
- Frances will work with Layl to get this info out
Katie will help Deb get the copy for On-Location sent off to Barbara
April 21st music at Mojo’s Coffee at 6pm
New interns
- Lots of applicants
- Frances knows someone named Phoebe who will be applying
Margo’s climate change group is just going to be informational Zoom meetings for now
Maker Space
- Tubman Organization wants to start in October
- Add Narcan administration training
Emma Norton Gala
- Barbara is the contact person for any ACW members interested in attending
- Show up between 4:30 and 5pm
- Katie has secured parking for us
Next two meetings: May 25th and June 19th