Anti- Discrimination Policy

ACW actively pushes back against all forms of oppression, and understands that as an organization using art for social change that our role the understanding that major systems of oppression are interlocking. We believe that no person should face discrimination or be excluded on the basis of race, gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, ability, age, language, of socioeconomic status.

We firmly believe that we must be in a state of constant learning, unlearning and analysis to combat the simultaneous oppressions that our members and communities face. 

We understand our role in promoting justice, diversity,equity and inclusion across our organization which includes community stakeholders, board members, collaborating partners and our membership. 

We strive to implement policies and model desired behaviors that include but are not limited to:

  • Treat people with dignity and respect.
  • Foster inclusion at all ACW events and seek feedback from our members, partners and communities on how we can improve. 
  • Engage in diversity, equity and inclusion training to enhance knowledge.
  • Support a network of diverse communities to gain access to opportunities to foster arts, develop skills and knowledge through our organization activities. 

ACW is committed to continue to develop policies and implement practices that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion – and that we implement such policies and practices with fidelity and urgency. This is critical to our mission and commitment to providing equitable access to our programs and promote opportunities for all.