finally, finally put time aside to work on my piece for  the See. Say. Do event.   I really enjoy this beginning period when I am doing the basic design and engineering work.  Each one of these boxes hold its own story already.  I am just an “intervenor” in their journey.

Read about Artist as Intervenor.

I can see I need a few larger antique boxes so I am off to Savers (40% off for the over 55 crowd on Tuesday on objects that are already being sold for 10 cents on the dollar).

Here are my initial ideas.   I always smile when the work is finished… you have to give these history objects a little bit of their own head.


June 23, 2018 
Gathering the objects which will be re-purposed into many recovery messages.

Savers on Tuesdays offers another 40% off the already 90% off.

I am getting closer to the final  structure.  I will be making the sculpture in 4 sections for practical transport.  The hands coming up out of the top work visually but are a little blatant -metaphorically speaking.    They may not make it to the final sculpture.